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Everything posted by Gogger

  1. quite a few not heard of , would have thought a place for brian mcnight maybe
  2. two lasses sang it on the voice on saturday , better than soft cell imho
  3. played at the central , leeds last sunday , ian sounded good to me
  4. i take offence to that my friend , regards john royal mail employee
  5. take a look at this l take a look at this lot https://www.google.com/search?q=gurning&client=aff-maxthon-maxthon4&hs=51P&affdom=maxthon.com&channel=t28&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Kjf9UrD0NMfQhAeT9oD4Dg&ved=0CDgQsAQ&biw=1554&bih=740
  6. peter it was northern soul , it just hadn't been invented back then
  7. ian who
  8. you will end up skint again as well
  9. i can remember when lager was a girls drink
  10. whats the other one
  11. kin ell kev thought it was penfold , only kidding hope all goes well for you
  12. as pete says it is up to the seller to claim the money back , as for telling you to piss off that is not an option , complain , if you bought it on here , you can leave bad feedback or report it to the mods who will try and find out what went wrong , would suggest that route first , hope you get your record , all the best john , ooopps someone beat me to it , see above post
  13. was it off e bay , if not if the reciept is from the post office , it is for him not you , never had no problems with e bay so would not no what to do , but plenty of threads on here from people who have
  14. another version here , craig woolard band, disclaimer i do not own this record , for educational purposes only
  15. something like this maybe
  16. played mine first time and it skipped , played it a few times since and it,s played ok , called universal about the marvin gaye track and they are sending me one , said i could keep the extra copy of barbara mcnair , it,s not here yet though
  17. temptations plays ok from the amazon order , but skips on the universal one
  18. she always plays a bit of nice stuff imo
  19. old boy , he's a young un at some of the do's i've been to
  20. came today all there still to play though
  21. so is it a bit like the masons this northern soul scene secret handshakes and all that , it's not just for anybody
  22. thanks for the info , john
  23. phil mine are showing as dispatched 1st december , how long did yours take to arrive , thanks john

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