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Everything posted by Gogger

  1. what's got a hazlenut in every bite ? / squirrel shit , sorry the old ones are the best though
  2. ok stan , i respect your views
  3. but he likes his soul music
  4. don't think you will find anything young and fit on this site
  5. kinel russ , bit strong , or maybe not
  6. thanks for your reply , i think you have , only kidding
  7. last two places ive been where totally opposite , one was out and out "oldies" night it was rammed as was the dance floor , not many under 50 in as well , the other played under played and rarer stuff it was also rammed , but more people listening than dancing but the place was smaller as was the dancefloor , i like to get up now and again for a bit of a jig if the mood takes me , probably does not answer many questions , i will finish now as i am going on a bit like most old folk do
  8. hi sent money , thanks again john
  9. hi Carole will buy if still for sale thanks john
  10. Andy lad at work is going says there is something for everyone will ask for names of places he is more into the mod thing though
  11. got to agree , when i drive south as soon as i leave yorkshire , i have left the north , and a cold shiver goes down my spine .
  12. yes , but your not a real northener ,
  13. can't afford one neil . them 7" plastic things cost to much
  14. chalky , try getting one of those doors with a letter box 6" from the floor
  15. neil have you been watching those carry on films again
  16. where did i put my horsewhip, for gawds sake
  17. fast , old gits , great double sider for sure
  18. i can remember when i where a lad
  19. you don't have to read all the pages in one go
  20. are we allowed album only tracks
  21. hi dobber , i would think it is illegal not to declare the true value, the bloke i used to buy off never put the true amount , but there where never any big value items so i was prepared to take that risk , it is down to chance imo , got stung with the charges 5 times but must admit they have all been in the last 18 months 2 years , i always ask the seller if he will put lower value on the ticket , most have so far, hope this helps , john
  22. back on topic marvin gaye otis reading jerry butler gladys knight carla thomas aretha franklin to many to mention
  23. yes but thats not there best
  24. edwin posing with a unknown man https://www.ebay.com/itm/EDWIN-STARR-northern-soul-PHOTOS-tour-jacket-DRAWING-Motown-Ric-Tic-25-Miles-/310902635833?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item48633dbd39 it made me smile anyway

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