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Everything posted by phillyDaveG

  1. I've got both the Gift Of Dreams albums and "Better days" on a 12". I've never heard of it being released on a 45.
  2. A tremendous post that Chorley. It put into words exactly what I was thinking about it. I actually turned it off about half way through the sycophantic Al Sharpton sermon. I also noted the great words said about Michael's parents, what was that about? We all know that the Jacksons suffered a pretty terrible upbringing. Not many positives I can think of. Stevie sang very well I thought.
  3. Interesting read DtheDrug, but it would have been a hell of a lot easier to read if you had used on of these. (.) occassionally.
  4. Well as a local, it has a special place in my heart. to begin withi, I was underage, and had to stand at the back and keep quiet! My Brother used to be well peed off with taking me. Just a great venue, and almost certainly the best club in the South during the 7ts. Musically it had a broader range than the Northern clubs and was always THE place to go at the weekend. Unfortunately, it's reputation has been slightly tarnished with years of "Cali reunions" that bear little or no resemblance to the music that was played there. Great venue, great acts, great music.
  5. As stated, the original is; MILDRED CLARK & THE MELODY-AIRES "2000 YEARS" (1978 A.B.C. PEACOCK) (Prod. Eddie Robinson) Best tracks - "2000 years"/"Keep trying"/"Just let him in"
  6. I love "Chairman of the board", brilliant vocals with a tough funky edge to the record.
  7. Actually I really like the G.Q. version, but Billy Stewart's just gets my nod too.
  8. No, it's my own vinyl copy that I ripped this week, that's why I noticed how short it was. PS. Some interesting replies guys.
  9. Thanks for the link. I should have thought of Sir Shambling straight off.
  10. Mediocre! Had to laugh. I think you're missing the whole point of the LP. It was never meant to be a mixture of disparate songs, but a collective denunciation of the evils of the world, and as such needs to be listened to as a collection. Saying you can get some of the songs on 45s is like saying you can buy the good scenes of a classic movie on DVD. Apart they are good, brought together, they make a work of genius. I'd also say his follow up LP "Let's get it on" is also superb. So while I agree that he made some great records in the 6ts, his early 7ts output was better IMVHO.
  11. Hello all, I was just playing the excellent; Peggy Gaines "Sweet way of living" (Ref-o-ree), and realised it was very, very short. Although the label says 2m40s, I timed it, and it's actually just 89seconds long! Is this the shortest time for a 45 release, or do you know better?
  12. Well it was played in just about every club & disco down here in the South on its release, so I don't really think you could make any case for it being played on the Northern scene anytime before it was played elsewhere, let alone years.
  13. I know this may be sacrilege to some, but I just don't like any version of the soul standard "You send me". I just don't get it, think it's a poorly written dirge.
  14. Actually, the first time they did this was for the Birdsong release. So it's very unlikely that 3591 was planned to be a 12" at all, let alone the Anthony White, as it was too early for a 12". Also, they only did this consecutive 7/12" numbers thing on a handful of occassions (those shown above are the only examples), more often the 7" had the same release number as the 12".
  15. Too many to mention, here's a few out of the top draw; Gamble/Huff Holland/Dozier/Holland Sam Dees Phillip Mitchell Jack Daniels/Johnny Moore
  16. Ok all. I believe I have the definitive P.Int release list. As Sebastien stated, it may well have been cited to be a 12" release. However, none exist.
  17. What a tremendously well thought out and reasoned post. Have you ever thought of moving into journalism?
  18. Who gives a flying fox what it is? It's a great song from a musical genius, that's all that matters. The best version is GSH's live version from 1976 on Arista.
  19. I've had a couple of PMs asking to hear this. I'll put it up on refosoul (when the facility becomes available again).
  20. What! No, I would never slap a madman! The "This close to you" LP, is simply one of the greatest soul LPs of all time. Get listening.
  21. Ok first up. I'm prepared to be proved wrong, but the release was 3590 - There was no release number 3591. Secondly, as Ernie says release 3574 Anthony White "Never repay your love"/"Never let you get away from me" is also a hard one to find. However, the version of "Never let..." is actually longer on the 45 than on the LP, hence it's desirability. PS. Yes, it's an awesome LP.
  22. Essential LP, produced by the superb Michael Stokes; RONN MATLOCK "LOVE CITY" (1979 COTILLION) (Prod. Michael Stokes) Top tracks - "I can't forget about you"/"Feeling something"/"Take me to the top (of your mountain)"/"You got the best of me" "I can't forget.." is the top track for me.
  23. marvelettes sophisticated soul tamla u.s white promo ex/m - £12 david ruffin-david ruffin motown u.s white promo m/m £10 the originals definitions soul white promo 6" split top spinem o/w ex/ex £8 temptations solid rock gatefold gordy white promo few small tears on front cover at bottom o/w ex/m £8 the nights-the nights - little star m/m £15 dutch robinson nothings got me -ua cover sticker mark slight ring wear o/w ex /ex+ £12 flashlight- philly groove- white promo ex/ex+ £20 chain reaction indebted to you- uk gull ex/ex+ £125 bunny sigler let the goodtimes roll-parkway ex/ex £20

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