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Everything posted by Funklexikon

  1. Hi ... I'm looking for a quality scan of this rare special release with the curved written label-name and the drawings above. Any help is very much appreciated, contact = info@funk.ch Cheers, Peter (www.funk.ch)
  2. I'm still looking for a collector who has the "Sue Rainey: You got to be kind - Peachtree 133" so I can ask him if he can make me a scan of this single side. The previous tips as to who might have one (thanks to those) unfortunately came to nothing, partly due to memory lapses. Perhaps someone still has the crucial tip, 12 years after I saw it on eBay. It would of course be a cool thing for the work on the Lexicon. Thanks for any help in advance. Peter (www.funk.ch)
  3. Hi Rick ... the P130 is a funk song from 1970 or more likely 1971, P 131 side A is a funky soul blues song, both Clyde Terrell I don't know but suppose it's soul. Sue Rainey P133 side A is soul-funk, side B is slow soul. A copy of P133 is said to be sold in UK from a collector to another, but the seller says he can't remember to whom he has sold this ultra rare 45. This 45 is pressed 1971 or maybe a bit later.
  4. Still looking for someone who has it! ... there is a copy in UK, but in who's collection ... still a mystery.
  5. Thanks in advance doing that!!
  6. Thank you very much for the good hint ... i try to contact Steve Guarnori or Greg Tormo for a quality scan. I completely overlooked this, not knowing it has a funky side. It's difficult to find out on which 45s that are mainly collectables in the Northern scene, there is a funky side, if those 45s are very rare. So difficult especially if there are only a few copies around and sometime in hands of collectors who keep it as a secret. For example, if posted the question about Sue Rainey: You got to be kind, had a lot of views, but it seems the whole northern scene don't know anybody who has it. Anyway ... thanks again for reply on my request. Greetings from Switzerland
  7. Hi, i'm looking for a quality scan of the label of "Snap Prescott: It's my love on Maple-M1005" for the use in the picture-gallery of the Funky Music Records Lexicon. Any halp is very much appreciated. Contact = info@funk.ch ... cheers, Peter
  8. 10 years ago I've seen the 45 "Sue Rainey: You got to be kind/My private world - Peachtree-P133" sold. Unfortunately by the time it was not possible anymore to contact the winner. Since then I'm asking around: Who have or knows someone that has this 45 single. I would like to add a good quality image to the Funky Music Lexicon gallery pages in a future edition. Any help is very much appreciated. Contact: info@funk.ch ... (Peter Wermelinger)
  9. Thank you very much! I'm glad about your help !!
  10. Hi, I would like to inform you briefly ... 17 years after the 2005 edition, there are new editions of the « Funky & Groovy Music Records Lexicon » with 80% more content & pictures, printed in color. ** Album-Edition // ** Singles-Edition // ** Full-Edition (limited & numbered) All information about the 3 book editions, including the table of contents and how to pre-order the books, you will find on my website : https://www.funk.ch/index.php/lexicon . There you will also find information on how to proceed after the pre-order. Please note - the opportunity of pre-ordering the "Full Edition" ends on October 8th, as it is a limited edition!! The album and singles edition can also be pre-ordered later, although you may have to wait until up to 100 pre-orders before a reprint is possible. Keep it funky, Peter
  11. Hi, I would like to inform you briefly ... 17 years after the 2005 edition, there are new editions of the « Funky & Groovy Music Records Lexicon » with 80% more content & pictures, printed in color. Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
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  12. Hi everybody I have the content of forth-coming „Funky & Groovy Music Records Lexicon – 45s Edition » finished! While preparing the printable files next couple days, I hold space for 7 singles scans, in case I can get them during that process, so to say „in last minute“. If you can help me with a quality scan by having it yourself or by knowing a collector who has one, it would be SUPER! A contributor will be mentioned in the contributors- list in the book, if he wants. 7 „last minute“ Top Wanted Singles Scans • Young Devines: Do it the right way (Note- 7216) • Knox Leroy & The Gaypoppers: The mistakes I made (Soul Sounds-836R-1048) • Rainey Sue: You got to be kind (Peachtree-P133) • Raney Susie: I've had enough (Peachtree-106) • Roker's Sly Sunshine City: Nassau's still funky y'all (Finest-633) • Williams Dicky & The Prisoners of Love: Which way lord (Brubell-DM8431) • Williams Kenneth: Funkie pants (The Impacts Productions-TIP-001)) Label plus 3inch vinyl visible around, 300dpi if possible, format TIF if possible Email : info@funk.ch or p.wermelinger@bluewin.ch Thank your any help in advance, Cheers, Peter
  13. Hi, is the "Little Criss: Great day" still available? Email to p.wermelinger@bluewin.ch, thanks Peter
  14. THE NEW ATTRACTIONS -THE WORLD TODAY / FUNKY BUMP (VIOLET) M- ...ON RARE BLUE STOCK COPY my offer = 350$ .. my email = p.wermelinger@bluewin.ch, Peter
  15. The black/white print edition 2005 is definitively sold out. For all who like to update their book, i've uploaded the listing pages covering my work between 2005-2012. You can download them, see link below: LPs - 25 pages / 1200 records listed 45s - 80 pages / 3800 records listed https://funk.sharepointhosting.ch/lexicon_sale/default.aspx
  16. Can anybody help me with a contact of a collector who has the 45 in good sound quality, Doris White: I can dig it - Cobblestone-CB719, as I urgently need a recording. I've never seen a copy with no distortion. If somebody has a copy for trade/sell, even better. Any help is very much appreciated. Email me to "p dot wermelinger at bluewin.ch". Thanks, Peter
  17. 2 labels, promo copy on "Rush", issue copy on "MCI Rush" (which was sold past week fro 1069$ on Ebay) my Rush copy looks blue, the MCI copy is blue as well.
  18. LPs additions-list has now 18 pages (874 records) 45s additions-list has now 58 pages (2746 records) 45s picture gallery has now 600 pictures (30 pages) - 200 more 45s label-scan coming during May/June 2010 LPs picture gallery has now 80 pictures (4 pages) https://www.funk.ch/funk-lexikon.htm PS) There is still much help needed ... see wanted scans/infos @ https://www.funk.ch/S...antsAllPrio.pdf ... (Again thanks to all the contributors supporting this project with information, scans and recordings!!!)
  19. Funky Music Records Lexicon cumulated Updates August 2009 I've added 6 pages of records information ... - LPs additions-list has now 13 pages (614 records) - 45s additions-list has now 48 pages (2272 records) - 45s picture gallery has now 600 pictures (30 pages), next 45s + LPs picture update November 2009 https://www.funk.ch/funk-lexikon.htm PS) There is still much help needed ... see wanted scans/infos @ https://www.funk.ch/S...antsAllPrio.pdf, contact p.wermelinger AT bluewin.ch ... (Again thanks to all the contributors supporting this project with information, scans and recordings!!!)
  20. Looking for this (buy/trade): pat hodges - ain't watcha got (hme) contact: p.wermelinger (at) bluewin.ch for trades I've mainly funk 45s. Peter
  21. Ok, thanks, stumbled over it while searching for people who have 45s to contribute scans, and noticed thereby that I still need it myself. Maybe you have some 45s from my scans/infos-wantslist too, have a look at https://www.funk.ch/ScanWantsAllx.pdf , never knows ... Cheers Peter
  22. Do you still have that "Singing Stars: Wait on Jesus" 45? Let me know, p.wermelinger@bluewin.ch, Thanks, Peter
  23. Hi from Switzerland Again I'm looking for contributions of scans and information to improve the content of the Funky & Groovy Music Records Lexicon. I know the most in here are more into Soul / NorthernSoul, but as many good and/or rare funk tracks have a soul/northern track on the flip, it might be that some of you could help me out with some scans/infos. https://www.funk.ch/ScanWantsAllx.pdf (this list is updated daily) So I've compiled a list of 45s which I like to add to the lexicon, by completing the missing information and/or adding scans of the important ones. Importance of the listed records is more or less from beginning to the end of list lowering, each for part A and part B of the list. Where in the listing are ???, there I have not full detail information. Also any deadwax information are welcome, as I always try to find out about release year, if possible to decode for me. Thanks to those who help with contributions so far, Cheers, Peter my Email = p.wermelinger@bluewin.ch

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