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Hunter Quint

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Everything posted by Hunter Quint

  1. Hi everyone. Please PM. Thanks for looking Cheers
  2. Hi everyone. Looking for a clean copy. Please PM. Shipping to Madrid. Thanks for looking Cheers
  3. Hi there. Looking for a 1963 original clean copy of this LP, mono version preferred. Shipping is to Spain. Cheers Marcos.
  4. Hi there! Asking myself why, legit issue Cheers
  5. Hi Mike. Noted, thanks for the clarification. Cheers
  6. In case it helps. Any information would be welcome. Thanks in advance. Cheers Any information about the seller would be welcome. Thanks in advance. Cheers
  7. Hello everyone. I have an unresolved issue through Discogs with this seller, and have not received a response from her for over two weeks. Real name is Sheena Scott, from Depenymynydd, North Wales. Any information about the seller would be welcome. Thanks in advance. Cheers
  8. My mistake, I just realized there're two Hytones.
  9. My understanding of Ady Croasdell's message on Tuesday is that Sandra Richardson/Hytones was not over pressed
  10. Hi everyone. Looking 4 an Ex+, M- copy, promo preferred. Cheers, Marcos.
  11. Hi there. Kent Records – 6T 12 Anniversary Special – 17th Please PM with details. Cheers Marcos
  12. Hi there. The Teardrops Here comes loneliness Please PM with details. Cheers Marcos.
  13. Hi folks. Looking for the 38th anniversary issue. Please PM with details. Thanks for looking. Cheers Marcos
  14. Hi Robb try this: http://sittinginthepark.com/interviews/softiques-2-7-2010.mp3 Cheers
  15. Hi Robb It works well for me: http://sittinginthepark.com/shows.htm Cheers Marcos
  16. Hi there. Please PM with details. Cheers Marcos
  17. Please, PM with record condition & price+P&P. Cheers Marcos
  18. Hi there. 4 sale: Lee Edward & His Continentals ‎– Tears Of Guilt - LanticGold ‎– Mint minus (sol) 190 UKP Les McCann - Les McCann Plays The Hits (LP) - Limelight - Sealed, small couple of damage in the cover, pics available of course 75 UKP Queen Yahna - Ain't It Time (12") - P&P - Mint minus 70 UKP The Drifters - Pour Your Little Heart Out (Promo) - Epic - EX 85 UKP Lee Fields & The Spontaneous Generation - Take Me Back - Angle 3 - EX light label wear pics available of course 500 UKP + 13 UKP P&P from Madrid Paypal F&F, low value if u r OK. Thanks for looking Cheers Marcos
  19. Hi there. On Hi records. Please PM with price and condition. Thanks 4 looking. Cheers Marcos. PS. Still looking for I"ll shed no tears LP
  20. Hi there. Please PM with price and condition. Shipping to Madrid-Spain. Cheers, Marcos.
  21. Hello. For sale: Ron Henderson & The Choice Of Colour - Gemini Lady (Choice Cut Records) Both sides are in near mint condition. Gemini lady side sounds perfect, except for a couple of 'pops' right at the last second of the track. The labels are scuffed on the contact data, like many of the copies on the market; otherwise the labels are in perfect condition. Pics availabe. 500 ukp + 12 ukp p&p registered parcel. Cheers, Marcos.
  22. Hi there. Looking for an Ex or better condition copy. Seen the two on discogs and ebay. Please PM with details. Cheers Marcos.
  23. Hi there. Excellent condition. 125 ukp 99 UKP + 12 P&P, registered from Madrid. Paypal F&F. Thanks for looking. Cheers Marcos

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