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Everything posted by Weingarden

  1. Damn, I'm jealous you sorted your Forty Love Street! I still need one of those. Curious: Is there a difference between stock and promo on the Barbara & Brenda? You're just trying for a run of Dynamo white promos or something?
  2. There's some speculation above on this thread about Chess getting cold feet about the marketing possibilities for a record by an artist with a Jewish-sounding name and thus removing his full name from the label. That makes zero sense, as they ended up inserting the word "Yiddish" as part of his nickname.... "Only Girl I Had" is very far from soul to my ears. I've always thought it sounded like a Richard Hell & the Voidoids outtake. "In New York City" is decent outsider R&B.
  3. I tried asking Amnon a few different times many years ago how he got hooked up with Willie Dixon and Chess, and all I could get out of him were variations on "Those were the days."
  4. Cash waiting. Looking for clean copies of the following: Lil Bob & the Lollipops, Peaches Benny Spellman, Spirit of Loneliness Lynn Williams, It Takes Two Norma Jenkins, Airplane Song Gerri Hall, Who Can I Run To (either version) Jesse Butler, It's My Business Senator Jones, Do You Love Me Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins, Your Love Is What I Want Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat The Singers, You Gotta Go Randolph Walker, 40 Love Street Jackie Harris, Peace Chuck Collins, Your Heart Wasn't in It
  5. Johnny K and the Dynamites, Don't You Believe/Make the Nights a Little Longer (Phono) Cash waiting. Thanks.
  6. One thing missing from this discussion: To my ears, the Uptones and the Bobby St. James releases of "I've Been Taken for a Ride" are identical, but the Saints on Kent is much different, with a second lead voice and a more cluttered (and not as good IMO) chorus.
  7. Sadly, he died earlier this month in Tampa, Florida. There is no announcement anywhere online, as far as I can see. I was informed by a relative of his and have been trying to get a newspaper to do a proper obituary, as befits the writer of such classic songs as Good Lovin', The Shoop Shoop Song, Everybody Plays the Fool, etc., etc.
  8. Can I ask what the prices were?
  9. Huh, say what you will about the price of the Creations, but it's a brilliant record IMO.
  10. Yes, Gold Band. The sound file you posted is the "real" Tommy Andre "One More Try."
  11. Peaches/I Found Someone (Jin) Cash waiting.
  12. Not saying it sounds so similar, but it does have the lyric that's in your head...
  13. Benny Spellman, Spirit of Loneliness Lynn Williams, It Takes Two Ruby Johnson, Don't Start Nothing Norma Jenkins, Airplane Song Gerri Hall, Who Can I Run To (either version) Jesse Butler, It's My Business/Weekend Star Senator Jones, Do You Love Me Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Volumes, Ain't Gonna Give You Up Precisions, My Lover Come Back Del Victors, Acting Up Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins, Your Love Is What I Want Joe Matthews, Ain't Nothing You Can Do Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat Honey Bees, Let's Get Back Together The Singers, You Gotta Go Randolph Walker, 40 Love Street
  14. Ruby Johnson, Don't Start Nothing Jesse Butler, It's My Business/Weekend Star Senator Jones, Do You Love Me Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Volumes on Karen Two Plus Two on Velgo Precisions, My Lover Come Back Del Victors, Acting Up Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins on Demo Ristic Joe Matthews, Ain't Nothing You Can Do Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat Honey Bees, Let's Get Back Together The Singers, You Gotta Go Randolph Walker, 40 Love Street
  15. I can't shed light on the Happy Cats, but I can tell you that the Sirens learned the song from me! I'd dated one of them circa 2000, and I had an acetate of Destroy That Boy. It's the version that came out on Munster many years later. I put it out on Munster, in fact. The acetate came to me from my uncle, who was a close music-biz associate of Ollie's in Detroit (he was part owner of Tuba; the "Philly Dawgs" instrumental of "Hello Stranger" came out on Tuba to settle a debt, I believe). The Destroy That Boy acetate was cut in New York, and maybe it was a demo that was shopped to Ollie and ended up in my uncle's hands....Wish I knew more. Someone tried to tell me it was Kris Resnick singing, but I don't buy that.
  16. Dumb thing I did: Got a copy of this from Greg Tormo a million years ago and loved it...quickly stumbled on a second copy for, I think, $40, and assumed it wasn't rare, having found two copies randomly within a couple months. And so traded on my spare for very little. Oh well.
  17. There are a several great Mel Williams records...had no idea which you were asking about.
  18. Jesse Butler, It's My Business/Weekend Star Senator Jones, Do You Love Me Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Volumes on Karen Two Plus Two on Velgo Precisions, My Lover Come Back Del Victors, Acting Up Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins on Demo Ristic Joe Matthews, Ain't Nothing You Can Do Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat Honey Bees, Let's Get Back Together The Singers, You Gotta Go Randolph Walker, 40 Love Street
  19. Could it be that the youtube version came from a compilation (New Orleans Soul and Funk Gumbo?) and is unreleased on 45? Wouldn't be the first time one of these New Orleans comps put forth an alternate version that confused people....
  20. Slightly different phenomenon, but: The bridge from Hit and Run resurfaces in another George McGregor composition, Little Rena Scott's I Just Can't Forget That Boy. It's at 1:11 in Rose, 1:53 in Rena.
  21. That Ray Hines posted above is actually just a cover of a different Tyrone Davis song, Is It Something You've Got. Which, yes, sounds like his bigger hit.
  22. Carbo Brothers are Hank and Claude. Chick and Chuck were their older brothers and were in the Spiders. What a family!
  23. Cenco recording artist Hank Carbo is around and very approachable on Facebook if you want to ask him anything.
  24. Jesse Butler, It's My Business/Weekend Star Senator Jones, Do You Love Me Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Al Williams, either label Johnny Hampton on Dotty's Volumes on Karen Two Plus Two on Velgo Precisions, My Lover Come Back Del Victors, Acting Up Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins on Demo Ristic Joe Matthews, Ain't Nothing You Can Do Clarence Hill, A Lot of Lovin' Goin' Round Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat Honey Bees, Let's Get Back Together The Singers, You Gotta Go Randolph Walker, 40 Love Street Thanks. Will get you cash quickly for any of these.

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