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Everything posted by Weingarden

  1. I bought an unplayed copy three years ago. It felt reckless and unwise to be spending the amount I spent at the time, but I decided to go for it. If only all my investments did this well (in the short term, at any rate).
  2. Today was not to be the day I upgraded my cracked copy of Jackey Beavers.
  3. Not seeing it.
  4. Thanks, Tiggerwoods.
  5. Not this time. Just a record I own.
  6. Thanks, Zanetti.
  7. 'Tis this. https://www.discogs.com/Chuck-Kenwood-Thats-The-Time/release/12571633
  8. Mostly toughies, I know. Cash waiting for clean original copies of the following (not for all of them at once, of course!). Thanks for looking. Originals, Young Train Benny Spellman, Spirit of Loneliness Gambrells, You Better Move Lynn Williams, It Takes Two Don Hart, Turn Back Donna King, Take Me Home Betty Turner, The Winds Kept Laughing Norma Jenkins, Airplane Song Jesse Butler, It's My Business Booney Taylor, I’m Lucky Senator Jones, Do You Love Me JT Parker, If You Want to Hold On Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins, Your Love Is What I Want Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat The Singers, You Gotta Go Jackie Harris, Peace Hollywood Jills, Don't Try to Fake It Chuck Collins, Your Heart Wasn't in It Al Trahan, Funky Lu
  9. Let Me Know/Who Pretty Baby Let me know. Cash waiting. Thanks.
  10. Haha. The Cavaliers has the virtue of being a rare and obscure artifact. The Joey Delorenzo not only sucks, not only isn't soul or even remotely soulful, but isn't even all that rare. Rare-ish, I guess: eight say they have it on Discogs.
  11. Cash waiting for clean original copies of the following (not for all of them at once, of course!). Thanks for looking. Originals, Young Train Benny Spellman, Spirit of Loneliness Gambrells, You Better Move Lynn Williams, It Takes Two Don Hart, Turn Back Donna King, Take Me Home Betty Turner, The Winds Kept Laughing Norma Jenkins, Airplane Song Jesse Butler, It's My Business Booney Taylor, I’m Lucky Senator Jones, Do You Love Me JT Parker, If You Want to Hold On Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins, Your Love Is What I Want Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat The Singers, You Gotta Go Jackie Harris, Peace Hollywood Jills, Don't Try to Fake It Chuck Collins, Your Heart Wasn't in It Al Trahan, Funky Lu
  12. I was trying to figure out when I traded my copy, and I think I've pinpointed it to 2004, to a well-known UK jock. If only I had known then what I know now...
  13. There's a nice copy on ebay currently with a low starting bid.
  14. Ha, well done. I knew I had this. The bizarre thing is that last night on the radio I played four different kangaroo records and forgot to pull out this one!!
  15. I'm 99 percent sure I have this backing track as a different song...different singer, different lyrics. I...just...can't...put it together. Any other clues?
  16. Backing track sounds super familiar to me but not vocal. Can't quite place it, though.
  17. I realize that most (not all!) of these are near impossible, but I'm still trying to shake some loose. Cash waiting for clean original copies of the following (not for all of them at once, of course!): Lil Bob & the Lollipops, Peaches Originals, Young Train Benny Spellman, Spirit of Loneliness Gambrells, You Better Move Lynn Williams, It Takes Two Don Hart, Turn Back Donna King, Take Me Home Betty Turner, The Winds Kept Laughing Norma Jenkins, Airplane Song Jesse Butler, It's My Business Senator Jones, Do You Love Me JT Parker, If You Want to Hold On Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins, Your Love Is What I Want Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat The Singers, You Gotta Go Randolph Walker, 40 Love Street Jackie Harris, Peace Chuck Collins, Your Heart Wasn't in It
  18. Geoff, I'm not aware of the repro. Which sides are on it?
  19. There are two original issues of "Oh Lover" with different flips. The one with "Acting Up" (the one you have, presumably) is much rarer.
  20. I realize that most (not all!) of these are near impossible, but I'm still trying to shake some loose. Cash waiting for clean original copies of the following (not for all of them at once, of course!): Lil Bob & the Lollipops, Peaches Originals, Young Train Benny Spellman, Spirit of Loneliness Gambrells, You Better Move Lynn Williams, It Takes Two Zircons, Was It Meant to Be This Way Donna King, Take Me Home Betty Turner, The Winds Kept Laughing Norma Jenkins, Airplane Song Jesse Butler, It's My Business Senator Jones, Do You Love Me JT Parker, If You Want to Hold On Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins, Your Love Is What I Want Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat The Singers, You Gotta Go Randolph Walker, 40 Love Street Jackie Harris, Peace Chuck Collins, Your Heart Wasn't in It
  21. I think most Americans who like this one prefer the deep side. (At least that's why I have it.)
  22. I realize that most (not all!) of these are near impossible, but I'm still trying to shake some loose. Cash waiting for clean original copies of the following (not for all of them at once, of course!): Lil Bob & the Lollipops, Peaches Originals, Young Train Benny Spellman, Spirit of Loneliness Gambrells, You Better Move Lynn Williams, It Takes Two Zircons, Was It Meant to Be This Way Donna King, Take Me Home Betty Turner, The Winds Kept Laughing Norma Jenkins, Airplane Song Jesse Butler, It's My Business Senator Jones, Do You Love Me JT Parker, If You Want to Hold On Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins, Your Love Is What I Want Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat The Singers, You Gotta Go Randolph Walker, 40 Love Street Jackie Harris, Peace Chuck Collins, Your Heart Wasn't in It
  23. I've been after Theron & Darrell for years, but this was just too much.
  24. Cash waiting for clean copies of the following (not for all of them at once, of course!): Lil Bob & the Lollipops, Peaches Benny Spellman, Spirit of Loneliness Lynn Williams, It Takes Two Norma Jenkins, Airplane Song Jesse Butler, It's My Business Senator Jones, Do You Love Me Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl Ravins, Your Love Is What I Want Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat The Singers, You Gotta Go Randolph Walker, 40 Love Street Jackie Harris, Peace Chuck Collins, Your Heart Wasn't in It
  25. It's the kind of untrained style of singing too...I feel like it would sit nicely beside Richard Hell's "I'm Your Man."

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