Mostly toughies, I know. Cash waiting for clean original copies of the following (not for all of them at once, of course!). Thanks for looking.
Originals, Young Train
Benny Spellman, Spirit of Loneliness
Gambrells, You Better Move
Lynn Williams, It Takes Two
Don Hart, Turn Back
Donna King, Take Me Home
Betty Turner, The Winds Kept Laughing
Norma Jenkins, Airplane Song
Jesse Butler, It's My Business
Booney Taylor, I’m Lucky
Senator Jones, Do You Love Me
JT Parker, If You Want to Hold On
Lester Tipton, This Won't Change
Lee Parker, Boy Meets Girl
Ravins, Your Love Is What I Want
Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat
The Singers, You Gotta Go
Jackie Harris, Peace
Hollywood Jills, Don't Try to Fake It
Chuck Collins, Your Heart Wasn't in It
Al Trahan, Funky Lu