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Everything posted by Weingarden

  1. Whoa, great instro, thanks.
  2. Such sad news. I was at that 1990 live performance of Grapevine that Kesalocasoul posted above. I dedicated last Friday's radio show to Strong: https://wfmu.org/playlists/shows/124376
  3. Funny, I hadn't known either until a couple of months ago, when I saw and bought one.
  4. I think you guys have a hard time wrapping your mind around the idea that it's now more than ever before a worldwide collectors' market, with a world of tastes.
  5. Thank you! I'm from Detroit and visit there many times a year, so I'm very interested.
  6. Is it possible to watch this? Can anyone provide a link? Thanks.
  7. Against the love laws I have sinned!
  8. Off topic: Thanks for reminding me how great the Perfecta single is. Pulled out my copy and will now be playing it out next chance I get.
  9. Oof, I misread the bit about "19,8,83" above. I thought it was carved in the runout. Now I see it's written on the label. Never mind.
  10. Fascinating stuff, guys! Is the conventional wisdom now that "19,8,83" is some kind of quirky/flubbed way of expressing 1983 or that it refers to the 19th day of August, 1983? If the latter, that is pretty irrefutable evidence that it's a Canadian release, because no Americans write dates that way. In the U.S. it would be "8,19,83."
  11. Two Plus Two continues to decline in price.
  12. Cash waiting for clean original copies of the following (not for all of them at once, of course!). Thanks for looking. Originals, Young Train Barbara Stephens, Wait a Minute Benny Spellman, Spirit of Loneliness Gambrells, You Better Move Lynn Williams, It Takes Two Buddy Cantrell, You Ain't No Good Don Hart, Turn Back Curley Moore, Back in Mother's Arms Donna King, Take Me Home Sammy King, She's Moody With Her Love Betty Turner, The Winds Kept Laughing Norma Jenkins, Airplane Song Jesse Butler, It's My Business Booney Taylor, I’m Lucky JT Parker, If You Want to Hold On Lester Tipton, This Won't Change Joni Wilson, The Loser's Seat The Singers, You Gotta Go Jackie Harris, Peace Chuck Collins, Your Heart Wasn't in It Al Trahan, Funky Lu
  13. He was a great guy. I was lucky enough to attend one of his annual summer parties out on Long Island one year, and he'd hired Lattimore Brown (with whom he was good friends) to entertain. What a sad loss.
  14. Unexpectedly low price on Jimmy Mack? Higher on ebay for a VG+ copy just a few months ago.
  15. Back in Mother's Arms / Not Just You Thanks!
  16. I Won't Cry/Hey Mama, Here Come the Preacher Stock or promo, clean copy (play surface more important to me than labels). Cash waiting. Thanks.
  17. And to my ears (though I've heard the Rouser out only once or twice and on YouTube), the Fairmount is superior in every way.
  18. One here too, bought for the crazy side, kept for the side in question.
  19. Pull the cotton out of your ears, guys! I have never seen ANYONE mention the most obvious difference between the Fairmount and Rouser releases. Fairmount: HANDCLAPS! Rouser: none.
  20. Lee Fields multiple times. Betty Harris, New Orleans, 2005 (her first comeback show besides one a few months earlier at a high school gymnasium). Howard Tate twice. Paul Sindab and John Ellison and the Masqueraders (separately) at Dig Deeper, NYC. Young Jessie. Allen Toussaint multiple times. G.C. Cameron. Tons more great performances, but these stand out as the ones that have moved me the most.
  21. Curious about what final price was. Can you say? Thanks.
  22. Two bidders were fighting it out on Leadell well past the original cutoff time, leapfrogging each other again and again. Maybe they should have just agreed to a timeshare!
  23. Price appears to be dropping, too.
  24. My green stock copy (not sure which pressing) skips starting at some point after about a minute forty. It's not in the same spot every time. Agree that the sound is weird too. I haven't experimented too much with different weights and needles. I was able to get a good-sounding, non-skipping, solid minute and a half out of it on my live radio show last year before I chickened out and faded into the next record. (Luckily it cost me only 50 cents.)
  25. Graham, this is great!! Thanks so much. I had no idea that that Bobby Bland record, which I've loved for decades, was a Joe Hunter-Sam Motley project recorded at United!?!

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