dunno I was under a table...
It was all Mick Dunthorpes fault, this 6ft 6" Skinhead in a Sheepskin came up to me and very politely asked... "you got a fag mate? I said "no" but pointed him in the direction of a few of the Boro older blokes.
15 secs later Mick Dunthorpe had laid this bloke out with a carling black lable ashtray while Tormmy Riedy waded in with a small table when the poor bloke was on the floor, it sort of kicked off.
20 years later at a local CLOUD NINE CLUB REUNION Mr Dunthorpe appeared after living in Cardiiff since 1974, the conversation soon got round to the Boston Bundle..
"why did you wack him Mick?"
" he walked up to me as bold as brass and said " are you faggot mate" so I just had to hit the twat"
Happy dayys