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Everything posted by Pauldonnelly

  1. dunno I was under a table... It was all Mick Dunthorpes fault, this 6ft 6" Skinhead in a Sheepskin came up to me and very politely asked... "you got a fag mate? I said "no" but pointed him in the direction of a few of the Boro older blokes. 15 secs later Mick Dunthorpe had laid this bloke out with a carling black lable ashtray while Tormmy Riedy waded in with a small table when the poor bloke was on the floor, it sort of kicked off. 20 years later at a local CLOUD NINE CLUB REUNION Mr Dunthorpe appeared after living in Cardiiff since 1974, the conversation soon got round to the Boston Bundle.. "why did you wack him Mick?" " he walked up to me as bold as brass and said " are you faggot mate" so I just had to hit the twat" Happy dayys
  2. It was the Assembly rooms and it was packed and there was a massive punch up at the back of the hall Peterboro and Boston Just needed to know a date for an article I'm doing... Ta
  3. Don't be afraid - Sharon Scott first played by Adi @ the 100 club. The first time I heard it is was an iconic WTF is this moment, dashed up to the decks to have a gander. ME -- "WHAT THIS???" ADI - "Don't be afraid - Sharon Scott unreleased RCA, you like? ME- Like it? it's better than my wifes fanny"
  4. anyone have the exact date??
  5. Possibly the best collection of Alan Day tank tops I've ever seen
  6. John Wayne discovers that the copy of The Sweet Things ~ I'm in a World of Trouble he'd purchased from Julian Bentley the week before at the Torch was a bootleg, Jez jones wades in after 9 secs to help him. I never knew the raliings separating the entrance area from the dance pit at the Torch were made of paper After 24 secs John Wayne says "why ya helping me mate" Jez says " I brought one as well" After 31 secs Matchie gets Watney Brown Ale bottle on the head After 50 secs Sue Hey on the balcony turns to Chris Burton and yells " this'lll cost you a small fortune to put this fooker right Chris " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThmqXmMGL-I&feature=related
  7. he could sing, he could dance and fuck could he perform live
  8. A DVD i put together last year using some old photos I had on my pc of the torch plus some reprobates I used to knock about with....turn the volume up and suck it in. /more/soul-library/60124-the-torch-dec-9th-1972-major-lance-video-montage/
  9. Torch Reunion 2021 Ian Cunliffe on the mobile phone to Jez Jones... IC....... "so youve given my 30min spot to Chris Lalor, why?" JEZ......" Lalor told me you'd sold all your records and he could do a whole hour" IC .......".Did he????????????? he's coming up the drive as we speak" IC........"take that you old fart" CL....... "do that again Ian and I'll put you on your arse Cunliffe"
  10. Phil Dick has purchased a a number of VERY expensive 45's of me over the last 2 years, his payments are very prompt like 3 mins after a deals been done. We barter however my rule of thumb is unless I have cleared funds it aint a deal. PD
  11. spot on, I use to play it at The Wirrina in 75...absolute shyte Mark
  12. thanks for your help guys. Via a emial last night, all resolved I've purchased a legit 2nd issue with the alternative flip side, well happy.
  13. 2009 Torch Reunion Archives Some footage from last years DVD 15 Seconds -- Nige Brown attempting a handstand with the aid of a Ryan Hall 1952 chair. 20 seconds Sara Evison putting up some bunting 39 Seconds - Steve Proudlove "walking the duck" 46 Seconds - Malc Burtons attempt a backdrop 1 min -22 Seconds - Mark Bicknell jumping over his bowl of corn flakes PMS
  14. were they kosher???
  15. was it ever booted?
  16. ever sent out as a white promo....been looking for one for YEARS!!!! even a request in Soul Source Wants has produced no response. PD
  17. Jobees running a 52 seater to this years Torch Reunion from these parts.
  18. Hows the training Mr Burton or shall we from now on call you Old Man Dance a Lot? Secretly filmed last week at Ridgeway School Of Dance Doncaster Mr Burton practasing, watch out for his unique way he nails a spin at 56 secs.
  19. PM OR EMAIL PaulDonnellyBP@aol.com TA
  20. "Martin Elliis on a 5 that should clear the place"...LOL Malc, Alan Day wants a copy if you havn't got his postal address email mate.
  21. are you into the Rare Soul 'scene' or rare souil?
  22. cAJUN HEART- GOTTA FIND AWAY USA white demo? THE Q - THATS THE WAY EMAIL PaulDonnellyBP@aol.com or PM via this site details etc PD
  23. to a degree... I was out last weekend no dj, this Friday no dj, next Sat no dj the week after no dj, the Torch Reunion no dj...

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