well done chaps
reminder alll proceeds from THE TORCH REUNION CHARITY FUND 2010 23/10 will be be equally donated between;
1- Downs Syndrome Derby https://www.downs-syn...k-together.aspx
2- Kidney Research UK https://www.kidneyres...uk.org/home.php
3- McMillan Nurses https://www.macmillan.org.uk
4- Sense. www.sense.co.uk
other things happening where you can all get involved
1- Sue Hey has agreed with her Down Syndrome daughter Sophie to participate in a "race for life" and is looking for sponsors whom in turn she will donate to the Torch Reunion fund, contact Sue via email for more details. sue.hey@sky.com
2- Malc Burton is doing a sponsored dance at the Torch Reunion, basically the old fart can't walk properly due to acute knee problems (have you ever seen him move, let alone dance?) Basically there will be 17 dj's at the Torch Reunion, Malc has decided to dance to ONE record per DJ and a finale that will probably put him hospital for a month, he will be attempting a back-drop!!!!! Up to close of business Friday 2/7/2010 Malc has received pledges totalling £200-50p.Contact burtonmalc@yahoo.co.uk regarding sponsorship he's looking for 50p per dance plus a £5 for a back-drop or more if you can afford it.
3- Chris Lalor has agreed to donate a copy of Bobby Sheen (the original Dr Love) autographed for auction. It was his very last one, he died shortly afterwards, it was written during the making of Ian L's SWONS documentary. Chris will advise how and when it will be auctioned.
6- Raffle, as last year the girls will be coming round to relieve you of some cash, some wonderful prizes again including loads Torch Memorabilia
8- Julie is also pressing Siemens to support the night (watch this space)
10-Alan Day, Martyn Ellis and Tony Jebb djing live at The Torch CD £?? Considering its a live recording from 1972 done on a small cassette player then transferred to CS, I for one was expecting a muffled recording however it sounds remarkably clear.
15 mins of Alan Day
30 mins of Tony Jebb
40 mins of Martyn Ellis
The sheer excitement on pressing the play button on this piece of history was immense. Not only did I find myself waiting for each sound to come pounding out of the speakers with the excitement of a six year old on Xmas day but the piss take and camaraderie that was prevalent at Hose St is there for all to hear via the DJ exchanges, hardly any noise from the dance floor just three iconic soul dj's doing what they did best.
Copies of this wonderful piece of history will be available on the day for £5 each
Peterborough people via the ACOW all-dayer have donated £500 towards THE TORCH REUNION CHARITY FUND 2010 23/10 to date with hopefully more coming in before the 23rd
Many thanks
Paul Donnelly