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Everything posted by Pauldonnelly

  1. In 1975 I purchased They'll be coming by Sam Ambrose, 35 years later I put the wrong side on at home. It stopped me in my tracks, so it did....a bloody vocal of They'll be coming... Funny ole game en it Greavsie.
  2. I guess they don't serve Bitter in the pubs where you live? Move on and Right On Bother..
  3. Hard roe To How..Otis Lee when it was still c/uped Found three copies under a stack of records that I had to mover to plug in the stereo, thought "shall I steal the fookers?" nah I gave all three toJohn expalining he could get a right result on these. He played em and responded with a "what a pile of shyte, if I get rid of these at £20 you can have one for fook all" In the event I told him to list at £100" He rang the following week, " I have a shit record for ya foc, where did you find this shit, I could have sold 100 of them" PMSL
  4. you're such a knob sometimes Jonesey, f*ck off Ok £26
  5. £25 for a red and white promo copy. PD
  6. will pay £30 plus your p&p PM please
  7. In early 1973 Terry Tibbs took me to an all night discotheque in Tunstall England, one of the first records I heard was "I can't hold on" it is without question one of the finest records ever made and your unique voice compliments such a wonderful arrangement, Still have the record nearly 40 years on Bless ya..
  8. Poppies - Do it with soul - Epic demo £30 Mega Bargain for a white promo
  9. spencer played it off an acetate to piss Butch off...lol
  10. Is the Len Jewell a boot? You Village
  11. anyone know the date?
  12. 20 f*ck all 20
  13. 1973 Wigan..
  14. anyone got any contact details for the fellar who does these? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150207346306004&set=a.10150207345131004.344061.623846003&theater
  15. Steve Jay and some wanker called Mick Donnelly..
  16. I don't think we were ever across the board, just dkof and acow...
  17. good for you Rob :thumbup:
  18. Jez Jones, The John Collier of Staffs
  19. have still got WATER ON MY FLOOR by IVOR LEAKE?
  20. Thank you Paul. Thank you very very much for giving me the benefit of the doubt. Your kind words eased my guilt a hell of a lot. Thank you. I can't get on Soul source at moment. (Dunno if password has run out or I am barred). I would be very grateful i you would copy and paste this apology, for me on the forum, thank you old buddy. ===================================================================================================== THIS IS AN APOLOGY TO ALL I HAVE OFFENDED From time to time I have bouts of deep depression, often through drinking and (etc), but not always. When I am like this, I will often, say the wrong things without thinking about what I am saying. Luckily I aren't like this most of the time, as you will see, I have made far more kind and decent posts on here than angry depressed ones. Trev on here, although, kindly saying it was an honour to know me, did mention I had a dark side. This is my dark side. I always regret what I have said, as I never mean to hurt anyone not really. I am sure some of you know what depression can be like. You would not believe how much I hate myself, when the depression passes and I realise that I may have hurt people, through thoughtless words. VERY VERY SORRY Swish
  21. I might have one of these Friday Tiling and hoses =£ PMS
  22. TA VERY

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