USA is a ridiculously sue-happy nation, in which a large portion of the lawsuits and what judges and juries "find" for the plaintiff has no basis in logic or "fairness". Agreeing with Berry Gordy that a competitor "stole" the opening hook from one of his songs to benefit from what Gordy's employees produced does NOT mean that "1-2-3" really sounds like a Motown cut. First, we have to define what "sounding like a Motown cut" means. To ME, it means, if someone plays me an unknown instrumental recording, and asks me, "do you think this recording was recorded by people currently employed by Motown Record Corp., or Tamla, Motown, Miracle, or Rayber Records before incorporated?", and I and I answer YES (whether I am correct or incorrect), then, yes, the cut "sounds like a Motown cut". If I say, "I don't think so", it DOES NOT (regardless of whether or not it really WAS recorded by Motown personnel). What I guess as being a Motown recording probably will have at least 5 of the 8 elements for which I listen, and often more (6 to 8).
For most of you here, even as low as 1 to 3 of those elements suffice for it to "sound like Motown" to you. I understand that. We just have different points of reference. As far as what we like. THAT is very different. Much of what Northern Soul fans like, because "it 'sounds like Motown' " I don't like very much, don't even like in the slightest, or even detest. That song above, "Marching Out of Your Life", does nothing for me. Yet, we probably ALL agree that "This Old Heart of Mine (is Weak For You)" is a fantastic recording.
I like "1-2-3" a lot. But, to me, it sounds like an Northeast/East Coast (NY/Philly hybrid)-to be more specific, a Johnny Madera cut - almost NOTHING like a Motown cut, I'm someone who thinks Stevenson-Hunter songs sound extremely different from Dean-Weatherspoon and Fuqua-Bristol cuts. I can see that laypeople, and even many Soulies might not notice nor care about such differences. In other words, just because a song may have an element or two that REMINDS me of Motown, doesn't mean I will like it. A lot more goes into my deciding to like a song than one or two of its elements. With many NS fans, just having a good, danceable beat is enough.