Interesting that Berry said he turned down 95% of Smokey's songs when he was a young aspiring writer, but after hearing this, he new Smokey could be a writer - that THIS song was his first that Berry thought would be a hit. That makes it sound like Smokey came to him with this song in late 1957 or early 1958, BEFORE Berry produced Smokey's cuts for George Goldner's End Records in 1958 (starting with "Got a Job, and before "Bad Girl", "Way Over There" and "Shop Around"). If that's really so, why did he wait 3-4 years to produce it, if he thought it was a sure hit? I listen to these old men and women telling their life story, and changing what happened, either because of bad memory or an agenda to make themselves look better, or someone else look worse, or just to simplify the story to make less information for the public to digest, given that they already know out the major events.
I think Berry used the latter case here. I'd bet the farm that Smokey didn't write "I'll Try Something New" in 1957 or '58, but that Smokey's early songs showed promise, which caused Berry to make the kid his right hand man, and that "I'll Try Something New" is his favourite song by Smokey, so Berry just cheated a bit, and combined the 2 stories. But these long-time celebrities can't fool people who were there (like saying that Diana Ross "discovered" The Jackson Five", and celebrities leaving out important parts of their histories just because they think those stories or accounts will be dull to the public, and making it sound like they became big shots overnight.