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Everything posted by Robbk

  1. I don't think it ever got recorded. I do remember seeing a reference to it. So, Lucille White must have been a friend of George Kerr's and Sidney's. So, apparently, she also wrote for the Kerr and Barnes writing team in The New York Jobete Music Office. Then, after they closed down, she still worked some with Sidney. I wonder why the song got listed as 1965. ALL the NY Jobete staff were gone from Motown in late 1964. I'll bet that song was originally written in 1964. Immediately after Berry closed down NY Jobete office, George Kerr went over to Ed Wingate, and started his Maltese Music and Maltese Records (distributed by Wingate). Sid Barnes wnt over to Wingate maybe near the end of 1964, so he probably worked with Shee Records a little before NY Jobete was closed down, and a little after, before moving to Detroit to work for Golden World. George Clinton also went over to Wingate. So did Gene Redd, to have his Stephanye Records recorded there and distributed by Golden World. Why would Lucille White have continued to write for Motown after The NY Office was shut down? I never heard of her working in Detroit at Motown. I never heard of W.Luke or M. Luke. They must have been New Yorkers as well. Maybe Motown (Jobete) bought the song from White and The Lukes in mid 1964, and didn't get around to registering it until 1965?
  2. I just read that "Elsid Music" was Sidney Barnes' (which makes sense, given his first name, and the fact that he was co-writer of the Little Nicky songs (according to BMI's current data). Maybe he left his name off the Shee records due to an exclusive writing contract he still had with Motown's Jobete Music at the time these songs were written? Maybe he was a co-owner of Shee Records, and ran the label?
  3. Yes, I mixed up Baysound (Baltimore) with North Bay (Philadelphia). You're probably right that Little Nicky C. is a different guy (although a fair amount of DC/Baltimore people went to NY to work (Clovers, Paul Winley, Van McCoy, Eddie Singleton, Raynoma Liles (Gordy)). Lou Roberts probably wasn't a producer. Well, it was worth a try. I think "I Wanted To Tell You" is FAR, FAR superior to Nicky's flip, and the two Four Arts sides. But, I'd like to hear The Four Arts cuts on their other label (I've forgotten what label it is). I'd never seen their names before these recent threads.
  4. Thanks. You wouldn't happen to remember a Larry Roberts connected with NY mid '60s records, would you? What about M. Alexander? Do you know anything about the Little Nicky C. on Baysound? Wasn't that a Philadelphia label?
  5. I wrote Four Acts by typo, but meant Four Arts. But, I don't see any modify or edit post function. Is there no edit function on this forum? L. Roberts? I seem to recall a Larry Roberts as a name on some mid '60s NY records. I wonder if that's the same guy? Also, Lou Roberts rings a bell.
  6. Does anyone have the label information for The Four Acts on Shee 100, and/or know what was the other release of The Four Acts, and what label released it? Anyone have The Little Nicky C on Bay Sound? I'd like to find out who was involved in that production.
  7. The members of the Four Acts were Lee Gilliard, Cleve Gilliard, Dave Richards and Ike Richards. Interesting that the listed producer of Shee 100 and Shee 101 was "M. Alexander", who was also listed as co-writer of "I Wanted To Tell You", while BMI has Sidney Barnes listed as L. White's co-writer. I don't think Sidney Barnes was producing as early as 1964. Could this be one of those cases in which the producer tried to take over the rights of the writer as "payment" for getting the record released, and Barnes later got things straightened out with BMI to retain his rights? Has anyone else seen the second Little Nicky Soul on Shee? I assume it must have been 102.
  8. Anyone know who Little Nicky, M. Alexander and L. White are, or about Shee Records (its owner and staff)? It was located at 563 E. Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY. As you all probably know, "I Wanted To Tell You" by Little Nicky Soul was released on Shee101. Sounds like about 1964 or 1965. But the song, itself, has 1962 style. I'm an expert on ZTSC Columbia Midwest (Terre Haute/Chicago) pressing plant code #s, but not quite so good on ZTSP East Coast plant (I think that's in Pennsylvania). Anyway, 94,000 seems to be about right for around late 1964. "I'm On The Outside Looking In" was pressed around that number (somewhat before), as was "Look Away" by Garnet Mimms & Enchanters (slightly after). The song has a great group sound. The group behind him is very, very good. The song is well-written, too. Richard Tee did a great job arranging it. He's my favourite New York '60s arranger. The lead guitar is great, but I'd have had the piano more upfront. The drummer's part is excellent -and excellently played-got to be Pretty Purdie. Maybe M. Alexander and L. White were in a group with Little Nicky? The music writing sounds a LOT like 1961-62 mid-tempo Motown group songs. It sounds a LOT like the stuff Robert Bateman was writing with Brian Holland and Freddie Gorman, and then the kind of sound his songs had at Correc-Tone (where he went when he left Motown in early 1962). I could hear Wilson Pickett singing it, with The Falcons backing him up (a la "Let Me Be Your Boy", just like his 1962-63 cuts for Bateman. Bateman took that same style with him to New York, and he used Richard Tee, exclusively, as his arranger. This was probably a Bronx Soul group. I'd bet I've got some records by this guy as the lead of a group, or as Nick ______, with a last name. He's certainly not Nick Ashford (about as far off a voice as possible). I bet I also have some records produced by M. Alexander (also having his full first name). I doubt that he was New York Jazz pianist, Monty Alexander. I wonder if these guys were under contract to another company at the time. Otherwise, why all the secrecy with the names? (no last name for Nick, no first name for the producer). Richard Tee didn't have to worry about his full name being listed, as the outside arranger. Anyone out there know any details about this record and label? Were there any other releases on Shee other than 101?

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