Writing a book takes a LOT more hours than lay people think. There are hundreds of hours of thinking about how it will fit together cherently (in the best order). More on self-editing, even if your publisher will do the final editing. But, most books with limited audiences like those that would interest our forum members, will have to be self published,, and printed based on pre-ordering. As stated above, it might take 12 years. Not many people are willing to use up all their free time for 3-7 years only to "break even", or make a few thousand Quid. The only people willing to do that are people who are bursting to get their story out to the public. There are very few such people. It is reserved mainly for retired people, who have a lot of free time, and people who write for a living. I've got a few books in me, but they've got to wait until I'm retired with a comfortable income (which, I can see already, will NEVER happen). Until then, I'll have to spend the time it takes to finish writing books on books I think have a pretty good chance of selling to a mass audience, and will be picked up by a successful publishing house, rather than self-published niche-market books.