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Everything posted by Madmandy

  1. Joan I'm afraid they did come over as agressive ..to me as a reader Did I post any info on behalf of the promoters? Mand
  2. Joan You seem to be going round in circles.. You have stated the above a few times now about not being allowed to post yet no one has stopped you have they? I havent replied to your posts because I dont have the answers you're looking for. Your posts have come over as a bit on the agressive side at times There are phone numbers and contact details for those who want refunds (your friends) I'm sorry you wont be seeing the falcons if you were looking forward to it.
  3. Dave thats a bit harsh I thought Dean made some valid points ...and whats up with Kev H ???
  4. Hi Rob ... I have the utmost respect for promoters such as yourselves ...it must be a strategic nightmare getting one of these things together and thanks for the valid input. I know that only T and A will have the answers for ticket holders I took the risk by buying my tickets and knew they weren't promoters ..they stated that from the start And I too feel very gutted for those who have made arrangements.
  5. Some of us do give a rats arse Joan thats the point and we did ask for no snide Comments ...you have stated your feelings from the getgo and didnt want a ticket so why keep coming on and posting IF you're not interested? your friends will get their money back so that should really be the end of it for you .... I put my money where my mouth was and took the risk along with lots of other folks I for one would vote YES! go ahead IF and only IF theres anyone out there interested in this event going ahead Ive had txts this morning and the general gist was go ahead without the artistes Steve if no one puts themselves forward that will be the end of it ...its a shame tho Mand
  6. Firstly.... The revolving dancefloor does not exist!(Barry) Rob.. Yes ...you know all the ins and outs of running a venue/event like this and its pitfalls...I consider yourself and Kev Roberts 2 of the most successful promoters in the country who runs successful venues /weekenders where you manage to gather large numbers. Who in these times can afford a loss financially?....not many and I cant blame anyone for not wanting a loss financially, you have to make a little something back for all the hard work put into these events As I stated last night on the other thread ...it has to be this venue...its all about the venue ...then the djs and the people who visited like Tony Dawn IanP and myself to name but a few And yes I did say a promoter with big wallets well done Rob for remembering ..it seems such a long time ago now....I still think it could be done with profit ...without the high profile artistes to keep overheads down I have no doubt the amount of stress that Tracey and Andy will have come under would have been immense and that can be enough on its own judging by the way the threads went I've never seen you or Kev have to come on this forum and explain the ins and outs of a dogs arsehole BEFORE the event so why should any other promoters have to do so?? I will still say thank you to Tracey and Andy who tried so very hard to get this together.... it took balls!!!!! What it would need now is a collaboration between Tracey and Andy and any newcomers to get the fine details to see if it could be salvaged. My advice to anyone who picks up the pieces is play your cards close to your chest until all details are finalised as folks will pick it to pieces before the day even arrives I think it was extemely bad taste of other folks to come on these forums and lay bare the financial details of someone elses event. STILL KTF Mand
  7. https://www.rockhall.com/inductees/inductee-list/ Here we go guys for those of you who are interested Mand
  8. Hi Eric I already have my tickets for this event Hope to meet you all on the day Looking forward to it Mand Also congratulations on your induction into the Rock and Roll hall of fame
  9. Toad ..you answered your own question mate... They aren't here to answer questions because quote " PROMOTING A LARGE EVENT IS HARD WORK" They probably don't have time to come on here and answer EVERY question as they also promote other venues. How many other promoters are constantly on here answering questions about the ins and outs of a dogs bum??? Not many I would think ..mainly because its their business to do the work behind the scenes so the event can run smoothly At a guess I would say Moddy promotes a venue as his response is all about the money side of it and thats no ones business but the promoters and the acts involved I'm sure he wouldn't want people knowing his business. I for one shall be front row and centre for this event my n/s roots started at this venue as did many other peoples who have also bought tickets regardless. I paid my money for my ticket well in advance of DJ line up acts etc Because I have faith ... I'm still keeping mine and even if there were no live acts I will still be there as I know there will be many quality Djs on the line up to keep all of the soul genres happy Toad ...just a small request from me ...please take your caps lock off as you look like you are angry all the time Regards Mand
  10. Hi Nick Sorry to hear you have been unwell over the last year... I hope things are looking more positive health wise for you I remember joining your forum/site, it was the very first I joined on my return to the soul scene in 2002/03 Your "jukebox" proved to be invaluable to me whilst learning about the music. I remember asking you daft questions about the vinyl ...me being a novice about these things No matter how daft the question I always got a polite informative reply I'm sorry Horncastle has closed its doors (altho Ive never visited) I hope you'll have a lot less stress and can concentrate on getting yourself better Kindest regards Mand
  11. IanP I'm with you on this one In my pleading thread...I said promoters with big wallets big enough to stick their necks out I really don't care who the live act is I would have STILL bought a ticket even if there was no live act!!!! I'm going for the reunion at my favourite old haunt for one last time I'm sure there will be lots of other folks there the same as myself Mand palaisevent@live.co.uk (email addy for tickets folks)
  12. Yes.....its fun to stay at the Y M C A What the hell were you doing going to fetch you pension from the post office in that outfit??? Just kiddin Simon I thought the youtube clip was a lot of folks enjoying themselves But I say the guy in blue has the moves Mand PS I havent been to a nighter this time around I like my beauty sleep
  13. John T heres a couple of real flyers on this cd they stand out above the rest as leading new modern soul tracks ..in the classic vein of course But its deffo a grower
  14. I still listened to this all the way to the end
  15. Simon isnt that Span 1minute 26 secs into the clip kicking his hand??? right of shot cmon Simon the guy in the blue shirt does have some moves to be fair
  16. Best get yer bloody finger out then Pikeys Dog !!!!
  17. Jo Ones an upstairs room very nice clean and tidy Looks like helter skelter but down a back alley lace market /hockley flashback vintage clothing I think it was called the others just off the slab square close to where the steak house is at the bottom of one of those street ..I dont know street names The others a bit of a junk shop type place on parliament street just down on the right from the palais (ocenana) massive warehouse a bit funky in smell as well as stock but Thats where I bought the jacket A nice young man called Ben works in there Ps there won't be anywhere to look at vinyl soon selectadisc is closing ...theres a thread Mand heres a link to one https://www.kathleenandlilys.co.uk/ Loving this https://www.kathleenandlilys.co.uk/vintage/.../VW_d400030.jpg
  18. Sadly I was in notts yesterday and Robs shop never seems to be open And the selsectadisc staff also said he never opens on thursdays ...so I dont think you can rely on Rob to keep the vinyl flag flying in notts I was in the selectadisc shop and they never mentioned they were closing down ...the shop was full of young student types buying vinyl What a shame
  19. OOO Carms ...just listening to this track have to agree it has got that feel ..but its sexy and rude
  20. OOO shimmy fringing love the way it moves when you dance I was out in notts yesterday rooting around the vintage clothing warehouses...get yourself out looking in those they have clothes for every era... I found M and S 60s stuff But opted for a very smart mint fitted jacket 12 quid! Mand
  21. keep meaning to pick up Talcum soul But my old man says havent you got enough cds for the "soul kitchen" LOL
  22. Soul.boy Im not a modern fan! LOL...well not really ....unless it ticks the boxes and sounds like classic n/s or motown there are a couple of tracks Im dont like on RS cd ...whats with the crappy Jay Zee rapping track YUK!!!!!! Press the skip button
  23. Jeff is on facebook I think hes got quite thick skin (hes from the north east after all .....think of the stick with THAT footy team AND YES I ALSO SUPPORT THEM BEFORE ANYONE SEZ OWT ) but did say he found some of us a tad anal LOLOL But also said there was a lot of support from folks who wanted it to be just right

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