I can relate to this post very much
Mr Godin was a journalist
His intelligence would have been astounding and writing skills would have been off the chart
He could probably put into words everything we were thinking that Northern Soul meant to us
but in an extremely intelligent way
If Mr Godin was reading the post above now he would probably say it was the man in the streets version of what he was saying back then
I'm mainly going by what people have said in thier posts and I've followed these posts closely.
I too pay homage to Notts palais when I'm in town beacause a part of my young life was touched by those four walls I was part of something and I was proud of the whole thing,the music the dress code the dancing
the queueing everything
That hasn't changed
He is guilty ......Of giving us an identity ....which evolved form the sounds he heard in clubs being played in the north
And I thank him for it ( wish I had met him and shook his hand )
My life has been blessed with NORTHERN SOUL
Mand ( in a soulful mood )