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Everything posted by Madmandy

  1. Dawn have you clicked the link to see the ballroom its beautiful but the floor is only half the size which is quite sad bet you'd have tickets if there was a reunion eh? Mandxxxx
  2. while Ive been busy today Ive had the soulclub.org juke box playing in the background playing on random It just dragged this from the murky depths of my memory 24 hours of loneliness / Wilbur Walton Jr brilliant!! Never heard it played this time round Anyone else play the juke box on random? Mand
  3. James coit / black power V sam williams /love slipped through my fingers are these the 2 tunes you refer to? I like both of em just had a listen but as I said Im a vinyl heathen ..I just like what I like Mand
  4. Coops you know I have a limited knowledge of vinyl can you explain the significance please? what did it mean to you ? Mand (vinyl heathen)
  5. PMSL what???? I didnt say a word Oh look Dave oink oink a flying pig!
  6. Kev who was that tall long curly haired bloke John Garbett and Dean palled about with ??
  7. Will count you and Wendy in for a ticket then mate
  8. Not that I know of Gray ..Im sure Ive asked Markmtfc and other folks I knew who used to go of they had any pics Shame really ....I dont like the new ball on top of the building its pretty horrid if you look on the old pic it was much nicer Mand ( soppy bugger)
  9. https://www.oceanaclubs.com/nottingham/the-...om,75,ROOM.html this is what it looks like now Gray
  10. I mainly went to the dayers Gray It all looks sooo tiny the ballroom I remember it being huge with a massive dancefloor most of its carpetted now they 'd search you at the door before you went in the main room remember chicken in a basket they used to sell ?
  11. Duffy??? Will have to have a think and request it then you can say "I 'll play it later "LOLOL
  12. All being well and good yeah best get a sitter sorted Oh and he knows Id climb over him to get to Becks PMSL!!!! (in my bloody dreams) you bloody snitch! Did you read about me turning up a week early for Rays do ????? Dozy mare that I am!
  13. Coward!!! LOL I tell you what Dave we should try an get a Palais reunion nighter/dayer would love to dance on the floor again ....does my head in to think only the handbagging public get to use the club now I loved the "ski lodge" chill room fantastic for gabbing about the good old days and theres even a VIP lounge upstairs which is decoarated like a room upstairs in a cowboys salloon all red flock and heavy curtains ..the manager told me they ve had david Beckham ...bloody hell wish I'd "had" David Beckaham PMSL!!!!!
  14. I meant me for going there and doing it!! Gary thinks Im daft in the heed!!! LOLOL
  15. My sentiments exactly Dave ...theres another one too thers no fool like an old fool LOLOL
  16. I visited the city yesterday I couldnt resist a visit to my fave childhood place and when I turned the corner there she was... shes had a facelift and looks more beautiful than ever standing on that corner in her imposing position never noticed she has a frieze of grecian people above the door much like the home ales brewery So I went and stood on those steps once more and found myself ringing the intercom I stuttered..... "can I speak to the duty manager please?" Wait a second .....buzz ..the door opens and a very young lady invites me in I ask I know this is a strange request but can I have a look round please I havent been inside this builing since 1981 No problem ...we have folks come visit us from all over the country ....including scotland !! They too tell the same story of packed nights and days in the ballroom and how much they love this building The interior is quite art deco and the bali hi (revolving floor ) is no more its an underlit disco floor like the saturday night fever one I will try to post up a before and after pic for you all to see Sorry If Im a palais bore but its in my soul !! Mand
  17. Thos shalt ask the local for directions even if he is carrying a banjo.
  19. Even when the record comes to a very abrupt stop ...as some do!!
  20. Jobbo theyre all killers now mate wether they last 1 minute or 3 LOL I can just manage a full 3 minuter heard the champion the other week christ tha goes on forever
  21. Dawn you'll remember the same as me then that when stompers came on at the palais if you stood next to the floor you virtually used to stomp without doin it yourself LOLOL
  22. Im from the midlands and stomp records usually have a "stompin" beat EG "so is the sun" by world column ..thats why they were called stompers I dance to all of 'em but stomping is much harder to keep going for the 3 minutes of a record Whereas I could shuffle all night without gettin out of breath! Mand
  23. Correct me if Im wrong (and you no doubt will) But isn't shuffling where your feet stay in contact with the floor and stompin means theyre lifted off the floor? Thats my take on the difference between the two anyone?

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