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Everything posted by Madmandy

  1. all the attic guys would be allowed in mate If I was wadded I would have just bloody hired it and let everyone who came, in for free Even you Paul!
  2. I could stand on the council house steps PMSL!!!!! wouldnt get much tho
  3. Steve I think Rob needs to sell a little bit more vinyl to buy the palais but his shops only a spit and a fart away! LOL definitely needs an amalgamation ....but bugger ...promoters dont talk to each other do they??? Was talking to John Poole on friday @ whitby hes also been reading with interest He did say tho it would be a very tough call lets see Mand
  4. Hello Tony where was your location when you lived here then? I know Dave personally! Visited Arnold club and kirkby ( have trouble getting these days tho) you're not asking for much are ya!LOL Daves not commented on this thread but I guess he'll be readin So We'll leave it with him might be a bit of a tall order for him tho but yep hes a nice chap!
  5. Good lad Marcus thanks for the support but don't book your bus yet eh
  6. The thread has has 1,175 views do you reckon theres a bit of interest in this happening? probably 100 certainly not enough for it to fly but hey as a few have said it will never come off cos its too pricey ad too time consumimg to get everything together and the politics of course
  7. Hi Steve Its not that bad inside honest ..its cleaner . but it does seem smaller some how ..the balcony is still intact The stage in the main ballroom sinks back to floor level so you'd be dancing on it altho there is more carpet than there used to be but the ballroom capacity reckons 1100 but I think Ian is right its more like 350 there are other rooms that hold a couple of hundred each but I reckon mor like 150 each room It would be a great place to cater for all the soul genres an amalgamation of all the notts northern clubs might pull it off a "soul alliance" so to speak and djs from each club maybe what do you think? Mand
  8. Bloody hell look whos come out the woodwork How the hell are you doing Ian hope Pat and the family are ok mate I know what you're saying about politics and soul politics Can you imagine how many folks would be outside on the palais steps "avin a fag" LOLOL Best thing for havin a ciggie is to "buddy up" mate so you can both talk bollox outside together as Its called I noticed when I came to read the thread its had 1100ish hits so you never know mate some go-getter promoter might just do us a favour and put it on All the best Mand
  9. Mr Darcy I dont partake of enhancements nor am I over weight nor do I smoke I dont look down my nose at folk who enjoy the odd enhancement (theyd have to be a dwarf for me to do that ) as you say you have to weigh up the odd weekend jobby as apposed to constant smoking and drinking all through the week not just at weekends. Wasnt it once said that " a little of what you fancy does do you good" Have a good weekend whatever you choose to do. Mand ( off to whitby tomoro)
  10. Ok Barry to say there are hundreds of tunes not many replies matey I'm not really a modern fan But name a few tunes you'd put in this catergory And you can guarantee some one will come along with their opinion and say ....... A thats shite B. its quality C I'd play it D I do play it E I'd never play it F what the hell are you doing playing that in a northern room PS My answer is I make up my own mind whats shite and shouldn't be played and vote with my feet by sittin it out (IMO) of course. Mand PPS does my hearts symphony come in this catergory ......I love it
  11. HURRAH!!! I mainly drive to do's so no booze altho I do partake of the odd sherbet or 3 LOL when not drivin Ive never done drugs even at allnighters/dayers I used to drink cream soda when we went to palais, the search brigade on the door always sniffed everything in bottles to make sure there was no booze smuggled in. I shudder to think where the gear sellers hid their stashes I shall be fuelled by adrenalin at whitby this weekend. There was probably less fightin when there was no booze at dayers / nighters or there could be less now due to us all being older and more mature LOLOL but couldnt vouch for that. The funny thing is watching those who go pilled up for a few hours dancing buzzin off their t*ts slurring their words etc and them thinking they make sense. Mand
  12. I know and it will just be a dream for many of us Which is a real shame because it could cater for all the soul genres in one venue As I did say needs someone with mighty big cahones to pull it off and there are very few of them about. It will stay a dream as Paul S said and be happy with the fantastic memories we have about "the old girl" Mand ( staying happy ) lookin foward to whitby
  13. Bloody hell Dawn ...I wish I wish I wish!!! It needs a lynch pin to pull it all together!
  14. An event for the people by the people excellent Then Doug how much to get in each tenner? and 2000 punters = 20K or a 8 quid = 16K or even cheap as chips fiver =10K door sales still not bad at a fiver per head I'd be willing to pay a tenner per ticket Mand
  15. As a dancer I love the feeling I get from dancing ...and not just to N/S My dad taught me to jive when I was a kid ( he was a teddy boy and big Elvis fan) When I was small ( yeah yeah I know Ive not grown much!!)he used to throw me through his legs over his shoulder around his waist and I remember the feeling vivdly the rock and roll playing in the background strange thing is I don't remember much about where we danced who else was there just the dancing It pains me to say I didnt have much time for socialising when I used to go to dayers/nighters I was on the dancefloor lost in the music and there are very few who remember me It literally takes you to another dimension a stress reliever and gives a natural high and freedom of expresion I never got dance lessons when i was a kid so when i got older I made up for it by dancing at the youth club learned all the daft dances you did back then night fever/ bay city roller/grease/then along came N/S and a different free style all of your own Wish i could describe the way it feels in my heart when I m dancing but Im sure you all know wht I mean Mand (soulful)
  16. Hey Andy long time no see! (love your morph man) I think we on the thread are all getting carried away with the thought of a one off event or mebbes a yearly event (went to both alfreton reunions they were brill) We should maybe get smooth or solar or boundry sound to sponsor it theres no revolving floor now just a full on disco funk underlit floor in bal hai! john travolta wouldnt look out of place on it As Doug says we need probably 5k to get it off the ground So PLEASE PLEASE Mr promoters out there its the most amazing venue and it would be filled with the most amazing folks I know so give us a go Mand
  17. Nice tune but is it worth that much?
  18. Just tell em to bloody say sorry Mike your site! your rules! GOOD MANNERS COST NOWT ......So me mam sez
  19. bali hai the downstairs funk room Dave had a revolving floor cane settees and climbing vines. hey we could even chuck in some reggae down there to go with the jazz funk and deep soul Please see the post above about music genres for the "fantasy reunion" Ive now dubbed it this because I just read another post about upfront at the seafront
  20. Thats why I voted for Shane to do a movie about the scene it would pull no punches the drug deals the robberies from chemists the drug related deaths all the gritty things that make up a great movie ...like trainspottin with brilliant music Also theres several different large capacity rooms for all the styles of music funk/deep soul /underplayed and rarities/modern /oldies It could cater for all of them under one roof BTW who would you pick to dj for your fave soul genre?
  21. Same here Ste ...went clubbing there after N/S it was a right knocking shop !!!LOL still had the same set up tho would have loved to see the scene about the marie celeste eeeerrie and spooky!
  22. Dean we'll certaily need your crew to do the aspen room ...for underplayed northern soul this is that room it allegedly holds 390 folks and what shall we play in the other room ??

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