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    N/S music holidays abroad Myspace member Facebook member
  • Top Soul Sound
    (love oldies)

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  1. Sadly I don't like the new format I cant find a bloody thing now. If it aint broke dont fix it !
  2. Apologies this should have replied to Mark S
  3. Bloody typical man statement (childbirth wasn't painful for me <----another typical man statement) A bloody miracle would be ......I gave up drinking beer for 9 months while my wife was pregnant & I also gave up all my hobbies while the kids were growing up
  4. Why is he from Hartlepool? .... I'm from Wallsend
  5. What you mean when I tell folks I'm a geordie they say "wheres ya whippet and flat cap?" Stereotyping
  6. The only reason I'm "the born again brigade" is because in the 80's 90's I was bringing my children up and couldn't make a commitment and I'm not reliving my youth either How old are you if I may ask? You could say I'm playing catch up
  7. I hear ya soul brother (kiddin) I did call someone this on my fb the other day (lighthearted humour) I do agree with what you say tho trouble is "northern soul " is part of our heritage/history and it is starting to sound "dated" I also said (previous post) that I tell the folks I dance to motown/60's black soul as you say attempt to make it sound fresher even if it is decades old Cheers Mand
  8. I'm guessing the real music is Oasis ...Ave it!!!!!
  9. Sorry Brett but you are stereotyping the folks who still enjoy oldies me for one, I attend these nights and have already said I don't wear the uniform.(I have no objections to anyone who does, a personal choice) I'm still hearing new stuff too, but I was on the younger end of the original soul era (hate the phrase soul scene) and so I havent heard every oldie yet. I have also tried rare soul nights provided by Steve L. and the crew the black bull mansfield and they do a sterling job too! Admittedly I've bought a Tesco compilation lately and a lot I hadn't heard so don't knock it maybe because I'm not a collector either ( I'm a dancer) and I don't say KTF either! Regards Mand
  10. Just been reading this and I have to admit when I tell the lay person I go out dancing and they ask what kind of dancing, I say motown/black 60's soul music. When I tell them Northern Soul I then have to go on to explain what N/S is and I just can't be arsed anymore. Or I am asked if I wear circle skirts / fred perry shirts etc (stereotyped) which I don't....haven't since my teens. As for it being W**k that's a personal opinion pure and simple no one is forcing it down their throats ...probably when they say they're off to a scooter rally folks think they dance to N/S which of course most don't
  11. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150344035513783&set=a.10150342483863783.403126.529833782&type=1&theater" />
  12. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150342994038783&set=a.10150342483863783.403126.529833782&type=1&theater" /> very sad indeed once a fantastic venue for dancing
  13. NO DON'T it will be terrible ...was making a tw@t of myself lol

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