You posh s*d Dave!! I got a black wooden fist on what can only be described as a Shoelace! it's lasted well but the shoelace must have shrunk as it don't fit anymore
I can't believe you've mentioned Martyn Bird and Tight in the same sentence I've seen Martyn buy a pint when he already had an almost full glass Mind you it was almost closing time hence him splashing out on crisps as well
A nice Lad! Just 'cos your lass has groomed you Anyway nobody believes you I was married with 2 kids when the fuzz felt my collar and all the pretty piccy's of the kids and the business cards to prove I was a sales rep counted for diddly they still searched me!! Bar Stewards!! then they said what are you doing in a place like this!! Hello!!! listen! THE MUSIC
just checked mine must of been a lot of peeps getting memberships as mines dated Aug 74 and is membership number 014040 thats almost 2000 member in a month. must 'ave been about my third one as I was told off Mrs Woods I wouldn't be getting another!! so I took her advise looked after it and I still have it!!
That Mfp album has about three other great dance tacks on it as well as some great listening tunes use to play the Stevie wonder track at Horwich about 13/14 years ago still got the album but my eyes cant find the tracks the same anymore!! Doh!! I wouldn't mind but from memory its's only the second track in!! and yes I did go to SpecSavers!