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Everything posted by Mrtag

  1. Don't see it come up for grabs much!! Neil, Mind you can't say I've been looking for a while!!
  2. Theres a minter on JM's auction
  3. Yeah! Just noticed where the hell did gd come from Doh!! gonna have to leave off the Wine Gums!!
  4. Mrtag

    Don Covay R I P

    See Saw Great Youth Club Soul!!! R.I.P. Don
  5. I've got a feeling that this 45 was played first and thats why nobody could get a soundfile of it!!! I know a few people besides Nev that tried and failed!! Doesn't look too promising!!! but as you say hope it does play Ok!!
  6. I wonder what hurt the most!!! The lobotomy or finding out you had won this $5000 crock "o" shite?? That 45 looks well fooked!!
  7. Looking like a save bet!! Chalks
  8. Specsavers Steve??
  9. I think you could be right Steve demo only!! I had the demo before I got it on Karma but must admit never seen it with red writing!!
  10. I blame the I sight Grant!!!
  11. Spider Turner £75?? Where?? I know someone who wants this real bad!!!
  12. Karma is the one to have as it's vinyl and not styrene like the Wand copies
  13. U Got Mail
  14. No Worrie No Worries!
  15. Darren Brown at raresoul45's on here has one! https://www.raresoul45s.co.uk/
  16. Excellent PMSL. It'll Take me Fookin weeks to dry out
  17. Hi Steve, More mail!!!
  18. Careful!! I had the Boss with Me
  19. He only charged me $12 for something I didn't receive which I thought was a bit expensive 'cause the stuff I did receive elsewhere was only $12.50
  20. Thats interesting Steve I only wrote "love" as "b" side on my earlier quote because I was being lazy!! Must have caught it when I was in Greece
  21. I hope not Neil or it'll add another two hundred for kindly adding his name to the label!!
  22. I guess the prices must be rising again I have had all four Sassy copies in mint condition best price £450 (on wdj with "love" B side) and both the U.S. & the Italian Picture sleeve Gamble copies minters also!! best price £350. The label doesn't look to good on that one but hey! It's demand at the time I guess.
  23. U got mail.
  24. Had some great Sundays there with Colin Murphy and John the Mex!! Could never quite get used to the green tarpaulin when they where rebuilding the wall near the Loo!! I thought Stan & Pete had blown it out with the speakers!! Lol

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