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Everything posted by Mrtag

  1. Hi Chalky, This is the same take as Tim Browns unusual Resist copy that turned up back end of last year! the one with no harmonica for the first half of the record! Don't think there was any difference on the matrix number on either issue!!
  2. R.I.P. Percy, Baby Help Me one of my all time favourites of his! Great music will be sadly missed.
  3. Sorry to hear this! get well soon mate! I wondered why I hadn't had any emails for a while! Best wishes John & Helen xx
  4. Alternative take!!
  5. Darren Brown at raresoul 45's has an issue on his site
  6. U Got Mail!
  7. Didn't he just sell Kenny Gamble - The Jokes On You -for $1,000,000-00!!
  8. I thought I knew those floor tiles but who the fcuk did you get to do the voice over? mate!! :lol:
  9. Crazy Money !! Where will it end??
  10. Correct!!
  11. You should know better George you had a nice red issue on philtown off me a few years back!! Take more water with it !!!! Atb John
  12. R.I.P. Billy your music will live on forever!! A true legend.
  13. Yep!! same set different Dj!!
  14. That happened everywhere back in the day Julian!! Don't Play This !! Don't Play That!! wtf
  15. Mrtag

    Wants List

    U Got Mail
  16. Funny you should mention Danny Moore just been talking to a record dealer this morning about that one not that many copies where found but the stampede started and that 45 has never recovered!! I actually overheard a conversation where one DJ was slagging it off saying not this crap!! It was excellent when selling for 4 figures sums then it's suddenly crap because the value drops!! I don't think so!!
  17. Very True!! But still not what I would call rare!! But thats just my humble opinion!! Dave quoted an exceptionally rare record just my take on things but I didnt realise that Dave was going on about the first post which I hadn't read I was replying to the post made by La-Beat and his take on the damage that can be done! and as with your view on the Tomangoes all the boots and Grapevine etc it has stood the test of time but all those years ago there would have been owners of the original having a beef back then!! but back in the day the owner of the boots etc weren't DJ'ing with them, to hear top tunes you had to travel to hear the DJ's that owned them play them out!! not anymore. Just my humble opinion mind you!!
  18. There Not RARE Records!
  19. I know what you're saying Dave in the long run it will recover and possibly get back to it's true value! But short term it takes a hit and also you lose a tune from your playbox as it will be played to death! Also the Frank Wilson Is a 1 to 2 known playable copies so a little unfair to pick that tune for a comparison!! Imho. John
  20. That's all well and good Neil them saying it won't devalue your original!!! the original is still the Original but who wants it when it's been played to Death!! by everybody who gets away with playing the £6 re-isssue or boot or second issue or whatever glossy term you choose to call them by!!! exactly Nobody!! So it does devalue it!!
  21. Not the only bargain on there Neil that Tropics looks Cheap for a minter!! compared to this!! https://www.ebay.com/itm/Tropics-Hey-You-Litte-Girl-The-Happy-Hour-Northern-Soul-VG-/361223777333?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=MOip%252F4J12wEwLibByU%252FIXwV9ZXM%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc £513.34 @ Paypal's current exchange rates plus International shipping and maybe customs charges!! Great result for somone me thinks!!
  22. As Pete says the cream label with red writing are the original issues!! The paper feels like blotting paper!! the Demo's have white glossy paper and this was booted so you need to feel for the numbers/letters under the label on this one!!
  23. This is good to see a DJ thinking outside of the box!!! This could be the answer!! Should also cut down on requests!!

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