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Everything posted by Mrtag

  1. It's Happened!! the world has finally gone crazy
  2. R.I.P. Bobby! "Home is where the Soul Is" Now! sleep well. xx
  3. One of the records in question wasn't that far from mint- vinyl wise, just a few marks but how could you omit the fact it had writing on label? felt tip to boot!!
  4. Thats how it should be done!! and lets face it it isn't Rocket Science is it? Simples!!
  5. Another Gem that seems to be occurring more often these days is the postage! take time to read the small print if an item goes over say $100 it must be shipped Express Priority Mail at a cost of $42 which I guess you can live with but whats annoying is the fact the seller then takes 5 Days to post the damn thing making delivery time approx 10 days and the 45 you bought the same day for $99.99 and paid only $12 shipping arrives the same day or worst still a day or 2 earlier Doh!!
  6. Hi Barry, At least it was mentioned but to say you never noticed bold black felt tip on a bright red label or the fact a quarter of the label was missing down one side which some how slipped under the paper sleeve whilst the picture was taken!! who does the gradings Stevie Wonder?? do these people really think that you will not notice something like this??
  7. As you say there are two side to every story! but if you are honest with the description then there shouldn't be any problems!! Ok you may always get the odd window licker but hey thats life after 45 years in sales these type never fail to amuse me!
  8. I agree!! some sellers are scared they won't get full value on the 45 if they describe it as it is!!! but you only have to look at some of the bigger sellers on ebay that have some dog rough 45's for sale and give true descriptions and they make mega bucks!! which just goes to show that honesty does pay or that some people will buy a 45 in any condition and still pay top dollar!!
  9. Hi Dave, I have loads of records that are VG-, G And some poor but thats how I bought them! not being advertised as mint and only being vg or whatever I know some collectors only want mint 45's and in my humble opinion there are a lot of records these collectors will never own as some 45's just don't exist in that kind of condition and you have to take what you can get! Atb John.
  10. I know what you're saying but even if the 45 is a double header some sellers just see fit to describe the better condition side and not mention anything at all about the flip! this cannot be right! I recently put part of a collection up for sale through a well known dealer and one particular record had a near mint plug side and a mark on the flip! which was non starter of a record that you would not play! but the whole record became VG+ because as the dealer stated he has to grade the record overall. which I had to except personally I would have described both sides as they where but most people do grade on the overall appearance of the record! but surely you must describe both sides come what may!!
  11. Is it just me or are sellers becoming more economical with the truth when describing records on Ebay these days? I just recently purchased a record from Canada described as Mint- with a nice picture of the "A" side of the 45 in the advert!! the record arrived and looked great when I took it out of the package to check it was Ok it looked pretty good a couple of light marks but nothing untoward until I turned it over and right through the middle of the "B" side label in Black felt tip is written PLUG SIDE but no mention of anything in the advert ! when I mentioned it to the seller His reply was "nobody gives a hoot what's written on the flip when it's clearly the top side that's "desired" It wasn't an expensive record but I would have liked to have made my own decision as to what I want to buy and not buy and if someone quotes a record as MINT- I don't expect the felt tip gremlins to have been there!! is this to much to expect and do I have to email every seller and clarify that you haven't missed anything out of the description like the record has been cracked in two or any other little fault you may have overlooked!! I wouldn't normally be bringing something like this up but this is second one in as many weeks the last 45 was shipped to my friend in the U.S. as the seller wouldn't ship to the U.K. that was described as VG+ when it arrived at my friends home he tells me it's not as described it is dished it has a nick/cut in the intro and the "b" side label that is showing partially in the sleeve is to cover the fact a third of the label is missing!! when questioned he said he never noticed it ffs you just wouldn't, Would You? Rant Over
  12. Have to agree Phil the "Claire" release is picking up plays at the moment (both sides) and the price it's fetching is reflecting this!
  13. Cheers! I will give Sharmo a shout and see what he says
  14. I was aware of the totally different album track but never knew about any other takes especially put down on vinyl. I guess I should have figured there would be various unreleased acetate tracks as seems to be the norm with quite a few 45s but this is the first time I have ever heard this version from Tim's soundfile I guess as you say the deadwax markings must be different. Thanks for the info Chalky! Atb John.
  15. This is what I was trying to find out Neil no real difference in labels other than the "Pentagrid music" on "Have" and "Goldteak & Pentagrid" on "Has" and how come nobody seems to know anything about the "Has" version after all the Years that "Black Wings Have My Angel" Has been around that was the whole point of posting this besides trying to get a view on who liked which version best I thought someone on S/S would have maybe known of both versions and maybe shed some light onto how they came about!! Atb John.
  16. Sorry! Chalky has done em for ya! in it
  17. Look at the links in the first box Steve both in there
  18. Hi Neil, I know what you mean a bit of a "Marmite" record but I've always loved it Especially when "H" bought me it for a birthday present but I'm not sure about this other take! sure is different! mind you would deffo get accused of C**k swinging with both in yer box! lol
  19. My views exactly, I couldn't quite figure the difference at first then I played my copy and it clicked !! no harmonica Doh! but obviously a rare version!! this has been one of my favourite tunes for a few years and I never knew there was another take !! and looking at the feedback I guess I wasn't on my own!! I have spoken with a few of the R'n'B boys who had this early doors and none of them knew of this other version so it is obviously a rare Item. So good luck to Tim with the auction!
  20. HI Grant, Whats your view on the "A" side mate? Hope you're keeping well. Atb John.
  21. Now that would be interesting!! be very nice if it was the same take as the "Claire" release and would sure hike the value up even more!

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