Here's a few cheapies for ya that don't sound out of place when slipped in a set beween big ticket numbers!!
I Need Your Love - Tim - Celtex
Danger Zone - Johnny Steele - Golden City
She's My Baby - The Intensions - Bluelight
What More Can I Do - Johnny Moore - Larry-O
God there must be hundreds of em out there!!!
This is a very sad day for a lot of people!! a truly great guy, who I don't think ever said a bad word about anyone!! you will be sadly missed my friend. Rest in Peace Rick,God Bless You,the suffering is now over sleep well.
Thats Fine if you're a record dealer and Vat Registered, you claim the Vat back on you're quarterly returns!! But not much good if you're not in the record business!!! Can't see H.M.Customs & Excise being too chuffed if you start sticking your private record collection Vat on your business account!!!
I don't see why a used record should carry Vat almost everything used in this country is Vat exempt with the exception of used commercial vehicles and PSV's Etc. These 45's would be 50cents each or 3 for a dollar in junk shops if it wasn't for the demand we created!! agree with paying a finders fee but Bo**=cks to Vat on used Items!!