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Everything posted by Upthejunction

  1. For sale Kirk Taylor. - I’m the one that needs you. - KT Co. - M- £60 Shipping. £3 Recorded.
  2. The address on the label, just under Simco !!!
  3. For sale Vessie Simmons. - I can make it on my own. - Simco (1st). - Ex++. £70 Shipping £3 Recorded. UK Only
  4. For sale The Turks - The Bad Brought Out The Good. - DJO. - Ex +. £125 Shipping. £8 Special Delivery UK ONLY. !!!
  5. Are you sorted on this one Stephen ?
  6. One on Darren Browns site , only Vg+ though and £550. !!!
  7. Hi My copy is available Phil if you aren’t sorted £55 inclusive or recorded delivery , Grades at Ex with a small wol Atb Steve
  8. A few more from me, nothing to break the bank Leon Haywood. - It’s Got To Be Mellow. - Decca. - M- - £40 The Winstons. - Color Him Father. - Metromedia - M- - £35 Bernard Smith. - Gotta Be A Reason. - Groove. - M- - £35**SOLD** ( Limited legitimate repress) The Chimes. - The Beginning Of My Life. - Down To Earth. - M- - £40 Deniece Chandler. - Mama I Wish I’d Stayed At Home. - Lock. - Ex. - £35*SOLD** Diane Cunningham. - Certain Kind Of Lover. - Fontana. - Ex+. - £35 Gloria Scott. - What Am I Gonna Do. - Casablanca. - Ex+. - £35 The Kelly Bros. - Crystal Blue Persuasion. - Excello(promo) - Ex+. - £35**SOLD** Marvin Smith. - Who Will Do Your Running Now. - Mayfield. - VG++. - £40**SOLD** Tiny Watkins. - Run Run Run. - Goodie Train. - M- - £75 Holly Maxwell. - Only When You’re Lonely. - Constellation. - VG++ - £70**SOLD** The Shadows. - My Love Is Gone. - USA. - VG++. - £75**SOLD** Thanks for looking. Shipping. UK ONLY Recorded Delivery. £3. Special Delivery. £8
  9. A couple for the Bank Holiday Irene Scott. - Everyday Worries. - Midas. - M- £100 ***SOLD*** A couple of pressing dimples NAP The Drifters. - Pour Your Little Heart Out. - Epic. - M- £70 ***SOLD*** Midnight. - Keep On Walking By. - Ariola. - M- £50 Betty Lavette. - You Made A Believer Out Of Me - Epic. - Ex+. £45 ***SOLD*** Thanks for looking Shipping (UK only) Recorded Delivery. £3. Special Delivery. £8
  10. I have a M- Acid Jazz copy, £30 all in Atb Steve
  11. Hi All, latest list - 03-03-2020 20 Nice condition originals that wont break the bank. The Sunlovers. - My Poor Heart. - Mutt & Jeff. - Ex++(XOL). - £75***ON HOLD*** The Delicates. - Stop Shoving Me Around. - Challenge. - M- - £75 Paul Sindab. - Can’t Wait No Longer. - Kasika. - M- - £60 The Bleu Lights. - I Guess I’m In Love. - Bay Sound. - M- - £80***SOLD*** The Drifters. - Pour Your Little Heart Out. - Epic. - M- - £70 Millie Jackson. - House For Sale. - Spring. - M- - £40 The Themes. - Bent Out Of Shape. - Minit(promo). - Ex. - £60**SOLD** Gloria Scott. - What Am I Gonna Do. - Casablanca. - Ex+(sml wol) - £40 Donny Burks - You Never Know What You Have. - Metromedia. - Ex+. - £70 Marlena Shaw. - Lets Wade In The Water. - Cadet(1 sided promo) - Ex+. - £65***SOLD*** The Stingers. - I Refuse To Be Lonely. - Stax. - Ex++(dh). - £70 Betty Everett. - Unlucky Girl. - Uni(promo). - M- - £25 The Intrigues. - Dont Refuse My Love. - Port(promo). - M- - £40 Shep. - Fool To Fool. - TNT(promo-wol). - Ex+. - £60 Eldridge Holmes. - Lovely Woman. - Deesu(promo). - VG+(hence)- £30 The Magnificent 7. - Never Will I(make my baby cry). - Dial(promo). - M- - £50 Danny Woods. - I Want To Thank You. - Smash(promo). - M- - £45 The Cheers. - Take Me To Paradise. - Okeh(promo). - Ex+. - £40***SOLD*** The Intertains. - Need Your Love. - Uptown(promo). - Ex+. - £60***SOLD*** The Caesars. - Get Yourself Together. - Laine(promo/wol). - Ex+. - £40 Thanks for looking Payment options : Paypal as gift to family/friends else add 4%, Bank Transfer/ Cash Postage UK. Recorded Delivery £3 - insured to £50 Special Delivery. £8 Overseas: Priced at cost
  12. Nice copy here if you’re still looking. Atb Steve
  13. Todays offerings, reductions grab a bargain. 29/10/19 Buddy Miles. - I’m Just A Kiss Away. - Columbia. - Ex+. - £80NOW£65**SOLD** Light Drivers. - Operator/Dreams Shoeshine Boy - Gemini. - Ex+. - £80NOW£65**SOLD** Mighty Pope. - If You Want A LoveAffair. - RCA. - Ex+. - £85NOW£75**SOLD** Supurbs. - Only For Lovers. - Alteen. - M- - £70NOW£60**HELD** Cheers. - Take Me To Paradise. - Okeh(promo). - Ex. - £55NOW£45 Stingers. - I Refuse To Be Lonely. - Stax(dh). - Ex+. - £80NOW£65 Jessie Mae. - Don’t Freeze On Me. - DRA. - M- - £50NOW£40 Gail Wynters. - You Don’t Have To Be In Love. - Hickory(promo) - M- - £50NOW£40 Cre-Shendos. - You’re Still On My Mind. - Aquarius.(wol flip) - Vg++ - £125NOW£110 Millionaires. - Never For Me. - Phillips. Ex. - £100NOW£85**HELD** SCANS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Thanks for looking Steve Payment Options : Paypal as gift to F/F else add 4%, Bank Transfer, Cash at your risk. Postage. 1st Class Recorded - £3. - Special Delivery. £8. UK only Overseas priced at cost
  14. OK Glyn, PM me your details please. Atb Steve
  15. Latest list 28/10/19. Price reductions, grab a bargain !!!! The Butlers. - Laugh Laugh Laugh. - Phila(Blue). - VG++. - £50 Now £35 Betty Everett. - Please Love Me. - Onederful. - M- - £50Now£35 Carla Whitney. - I’ve Been Hurt So Many Times - Attic. (Sml wol). - Ex+. - £175Now£140 Roscoe Robinson. - Don’t Pretend. - Fame.(Sml.wol). - Ex+.- £75Now£60 Bill Coday. - A Man Can’t Be A Man - Epic(wol). - Ex+. - £175Now£150 Four Below Zero. - My Baby’s Got ESP. - Roulette(promo). - Ex++. - £85Now£75**HELD** Marlena Shaw. - Let’s Wade In The Water - Cadet(one sided promo) - Ex++.-£85Now£70 Rare Pleasure. - Let Me Down Easy. - Cheri. - Ex++.-£60Now£45**SOLD** The Turks. - The Bad Brought The Good - Djo. - M- - £140NOW£130 The Ojays. - Working On Your Case - Minit (promo). - Ex+. - £85NOW£75**SOLD** Donny Burks. - You Never Know What You Have. - Metromedia. - Ex+. - £85NOW£75 Herbs. - Never never Will I Fall In Love. - Smoke. - M- - £60NOW£50 The Intertains. - I Need Your Love. - Uptown(promo). M- - £80NOW£70 Leon Thomas. - Love Each Other. - Flying Dutchman(promo) - M- £50NOW£40 The Falcons. - I’m A Fool I Must Love You. - Big Wheel. - Ex+. £45NOW£35 Dee Dee Warwick. - Funny How We Change Places. - Private Stock(wol) - M- £40NOW£30 The Shepards. - Stubborn Heart. - JayBoy(wol). - Ex+. £60NOW£50**SOLD** Linda Jones. - I’m So Glad I Found You. - Stang. - M- £40NOW£30**SOLD** The Cheers. - Two Loves/ Never Again. - Nation. - Ex++. £60NOW£50 The Intrigues. - Don’t Refuse My Love. - Port(promo). M- £50NOW£40 Neo Experience. - Paradise. - Sahara. M- £50NOW£40 Payment. Via. Bank Transfer, paypal as gift to family/friends else add 4% Shipping. UK. Recorded. £3. Special Delivery. £8. Overseas priced at cost. Thanks for looking Steve
  16. Tuesdays Sales. 22/10/19 Basic Black And Pearl. - There’ll Come A Time. - Wam. - Ex+. - £35**SOLD** John Roberts. - To Be My Girl. - Duke(promo). - M- - £20**SOLD** Darrow Fletcher. - Changing By The Minute. - Uni. - Ex. - £20 Exceptional Three. - Unlucky Girl. - Way Out. - Ex+/VG+ - £45**SOLD** Holland Dozier. - New Breed Kinda Woman. - Invictus. - Ex+. - £30**SOLD** Mayberry Movement. - I Think I’m In Love. - Event(Sml.wol) - Ex++. - £35 The Vanguards. - I Can’t Use You Girl. - Whiz. - Ex+. - £25 The Belles. - Don’t Pretend. - UK President. - Ex++. - £40 Brothers Of Soul. - Try It Baby. - Shock. - Ex+. - £30 T N J’s. - Don’t Forget About Me. - Chess(promo). - M- - £30 Jackie Wilson. - You Brought About A Change - Brunswick. - Ex+. - £10 The Third Guitar. - Lovin Lies. - Rojac - Ex++. - £40 Leon Haywood. - Consider The Source. - Capitol. - VG++. - £30**SOLD** The Platters. - Sweet Sweet Loving. - Musicor. - Ex+. - £10 The Capitols. - Don’t Say Maybe Baby. - Karen. - Ex- - £90 Capitols has a small label tear on reverse label Thanks for looking Steve SCANS available on request Payment. : Paypal as gift to f/f else add 4%, Bank Transfer, Cash Shipping. : UK. - Recorded £3. Special Delivery. £8 Overseas. - Priced at cost
  17. Latest offerings, mixed bag. - 21st October 2019 Garland Green. - Angel Baby. - UNI. - M- - £20 **SOLD** George Carrow. - Angel Baby(You Don’t Even Love Me). - Columbia(Wlp). - Ex+. - £60 **SOLD** Albert Jones. - You And Your Love. - Candy Apple. - Ex++. - £30 Danny Woods. - I Want To Thank You(Love & Devotion). - Smash(Wlp). - Ex++ - £50 Ben E King. - I Can’t Break The News. - Atco. (DH) - Ex++. - £45**SOLD** The Visitors. - I’m In Danger. - Bashie. - Ex++. - £40 The Chimes. - The Beginning Of My Life. - Down To Earth - Ex++. - £50 The Lost Family. - Blow My Mind. - Int’l Music Bag. - Ex+. - £50 The Four Tees. - One More Chance. - Kent. - Ex++. - £30 Ace Spectrum. - Don’t Send Nobody Else. - Atlantic. - Ex++. - £40 The Intentions. - Don’t Forget That I Love You. - Phillips.(DH) - Ex++. - £60 The Kelly Brothers - Crystal Blue Persuasion. - Excello(promo). - Ex++. - £50 Betty Everett. - I’ve Got A Claim On You. - Onederful. - M- - £30**ON HOLD** The Spinners. - I Just Can’t Help But Feel The Pain. - Motown.(DH) - M- - £40 Kenny Gamble. - Ain’t It Baby. - Arctic. - Ex+ - £45 Valerie & Nick. - I’ll Find You. - Glover. (DH) - M- - £35 Sheryl Swope. - One Moment. - Duo. - M- - £35 Theresa Lindsey. - It’s Love. - Correctone(wol) - Ex+. - £75 Inez & Charlie Fox - You Fixed My Heartache. - UK Direction. - Ex++. - £35 Godoy Colbert. - Baby I Like It. - Revue. - VG+. - £45 Legend. WOL= Writing on label, DH= Drill hole in label SCANS Available on request Thanks for looking Steve Payment. : Paypal as gift to f/f. Else add 4%, Bank Transfer, Cash Shipping. : UK - Recorded. £3. - Special Delivery. £8 Overseas - Priced at cost
  18. Ok Jonathan, thanks for the payment, record will ship tomorrow(Monday), will let you know of future sales. Atb Steve
  19. Hi Jonathan, assuming you are UK based, send £53 as gift via paypal to clarkyboyof53@yahoo.co.uk Atb Steve
  20. Hi Jonathan, yes still here, please send pm if interested. Atb Steve
  21. Todays offerings. !3/10/2019 Jo Armstead. - I Feel An Urge Coming On. - Giant. - Ex+. - £50***SOLD*** Godoy Colbert. - Baby I Like It. - Revue. - VG+. - £45***SOLD *** The Dells. - Your Song. - 20th Cent. - VG+. - £35***SOLD*** The Traits. - Someday Someway. - Contact. - Ex+ - £50 Bernard Smith & Jokers. - Gotta Be A Reason. - Groove. - M- - £40 **** Limited quantity legitimate re-issue. **** The Lyrics. - So Glad. - GNP Crescendo- M- - £40 The Casinos. - If I Told You. - Del Val. - Ex. - £40 Herb Ward. - Hands Off She’s Mine. - Buddy. - Ex- - £50 Joy Lovejoy. - In Orbit. - Checker(wol). - Ex. - £50 The Caesars. - Get Yourself Together. - Lanie(promo). - Ex+. - £40 Betty Wright. - Man Of Mine. - Alston. - M- - £45 The Ambers. - I Love You Baby. - Verve. - VG. - £35 **SOLD** Kathy & Calendars. - Please Don’t Go. - Port(promo) - M- - £40***SOLD*** The Chaumonts. - When You Love Someone. - Bay Sound. - M- - £45***SOLD*** The Performers. - I Can’t Stop You. - Mirwood. - VG+. - £40 Irma & Fascinators. - Lost Love. - Sceptre(promo). - Ex. - £45***SOLD*** Jimmy James. - This Heart Of Mine. - Picadilly(UK). - Ex. - £150 The Themes. - Bent Out Of Shape. - Minit(promo) - Ex+. - £50 The Enjoyables. - Push A Little Bit Harder. - Capitol. - M- - £50***SOLD*** Johnnie Mae Mathews. - Lonely You’ll Be. - Jam. - VG. - £50***SOLD*** Thanks for looking Steve Payment options. Paypal as gift to Family/Friends else add 4% , Bank Transfer Shipping. Recorded. £3. Special Delivery. £8 Overseas priced at cost
  22. Todays offerings 12th October 2019 Kool Blues. - I’m Gonna Keep On Loving You. - Capsoul. - M- £100 Rochelle Rabouin. - This Is My Year. - Cygnet. - M- £100 Curtis Davis. - Tell Me. - Ronnie. - M- £90 Ambers. - Blue Birds. - New Art. - Ex+ £90 Spyders. - I Can Take Care Of Myself. - MTA(promo) - M- £80 Holly Maxwell. - Only When You’re Lonely. - Constellation - Ex £85 Shep. - I’m Sitting In. - TNT(promo/wol). - Ex. £70 Johnny Wyatt. - This Thing Called Love. - President - Ex+. £65**SOLD** Ike & Tina Turner. - Somebody Somewhere Needs You - Loma(promo) - Ex+. £70 Jean Battle. - I’ve Got To Come In. - Clintone - Ex. £70 ***SOLD*** Millie Jackson. - House For Sale. - Spring. - Ex++ £40 Marvin Smith. - Who Will Do You’re Running Now. - Mayfield. - VG++ £60 Thanks for looking Steve Payment via paypal as gift to family/friends else add 4% or Bank transfer. Shipping : Uk. Recorded £3 , Special Delivery. £8 Overseas priced at cost

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