Whilst having a rummage in the cupboard i came across an LP I forgot I had. It's called 'Boy meets girl', mine's on UK Stax from 1969.
It's a compilation of duets from such pairings as; Pervis staples & Carla Thomas, Eddie Floyd & mavis Staples, Eddie Floyd & Carla Thomas, Eddie Floyd & Cleotha Staples and a few other interesting pairings.
In my opinion it contains some superb tracks.
I tried to find some information on it and it would seem that in some cases it was a double lp although mine is a 15 track single.
All the tracks seem to be original compositions from what I can gather.
Does anyone else have any info on it? Is it one of the rarer Stax LP's?
I'll post up a couple of tracks that caught my eye/ear.