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Everything posted by gazman

  1. I've also sent it via PM gary
  2. from the other week /index.p...rt=#entry592982 gary
  3. Bob Sorry, just to put a spanner in the works mine is still in the mail to me. It was one of a bunch that Id bought so I only had the photo to go on, which as i said aroused my suspicion. The photo resembles the one you posted. As I've previously mentioned I intend to ebay it, however I wanted to be sure exactly what it was first for 1/ personal Interest, 2/ don't want to sell on a dud. You are right in what you say that there are fakes of records that don't matter although i can understand unscrupulous people cashing in on a records 'popular' (mainstream) success. This might be a story with no ending!? gary
  4. The guy is set to be a youtube dancemaster legend gary
  5. Must agree I posted a question about a really insignificant record (the Volumes - I love you - Chex) and was staggered by the amount of information I got back from around the globe. The knowledge of members and willingness to help is truly inspiring. Please, please, please keep up the good work. gary
  6. Dear All I didn't mean to open such a can of worms over such a relatively insignificant record. The reason i asked was i got a mint copy very cheap (£2.95) and on closer inspection had doubts over it's authenticity, i.e it looked different from other chex records I'd seen. It is the same as the one Bob has posted. Truth be told it'll probably end up on ebay. I am most grateful for all your advice/comments as ever it's been an education and a fascinating one at that. Thanks to all gary
  7. Bob Superb info, thanks. I'd be keen to see the boot if you don't mind just to be sure before i sell it on. thanks gary
  8. Yeah i saw this mis-typed copy. Mine is the later release chex 1002. thanks for that. gary
  9. one on ebay just now, with sound clip item no. 260168900134 gary
  10. i think the boy did good. I agree a top tune, it has a great flip side as well. gary
  11. It looks bloody knackering gary
  12. one for sale here but it's only decribed as VG https://www.netsoundsmusic.com/nsudsii/2/324022793/789/2.html
  13. Kieran It's got a great mid tempo flip " I can't do without you" gary
  14. Cheers for that. gary
  15. Thanks chaps. I appreciate your help. It's ebay bound anyway. gary
  16. yes I'm a ware of the valumes copy
  17. can anyone tell me if this has been booted? thanks gary
  18. This made me chuckle for ages. Following on from the recent thread about jumping, i think i much prefer this guys approach. Check out the girl with the pram, nervous or what? A 'New Breed' indeed. gary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yS9QarsxpQ
  19. Perhaps a good clean might help then stick it over to mp3 and try and wash some of the noise out with a filter. You can get some good results these days. Good luck with it, top tunes. gary
  20. Scott Beautiful tune, I'm a sucker for nice harmonies,such a shame about the quality. How does the other copy play? gary
  21. What in God's name is a lethal bizzle? is it a kind of snake or something. Anyway whatever it is the 'artist' should be injected with it and told to go away. gary
  22. Thanks, that'll be the 7", mines a twelve, i belive should fetch a good bit more than that! I'll stick it on ebay and see what happens. gary
  23. Anybody?????? and a current price if possible? Gary
  24. Yes nice tune, very easy listening. Gary

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