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Everything posted by gazman

  1. PM'd you gary
  2. Strange I was using it earlier today. The link to the site comes up as "under consruction" Tried half a dozen pages with sound all come up as "The page cannot be found" gary
  3. Brogues had to be by Frank Wright, real top quality. I remember folk wearing Highland dancing pumps.....you know who I mean MH The latter was probably a Scottish thing Didn't Spencers make pegs?! gary
  4. here, here I was a big fan of the old bowling shirt. Used to get mine out of 'Flip of Holywood' in Edinburgh
  5. I'm highly suspicious of - "(Let me be your) babysitter" - Duke Turner & the Chitowns gary
  6. The man is a genius..........a mad one but a genius all the same. it's only a matter of time before it catches on!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajbaAGB2rOU gary
  7. I still get a buzz everytime the postie brings one of those little brown packets. She brought me 4 of them the other day, i could barely hide my excitement as she handed them over, you couldn't have wiped the smile of my face with a spade. I don't buy big money items but it's sooooo much fun trying to pick up unknowns or bargains.....happy days gary
  8. PM'd you with Garland Green and Bobby Thurston gary
  9. PM'd you Gary
  10. John PM'd Betty Fikes to you. Can't get the sound-clips to play gary
  11. I was lucky enough to see the great man at the end of the 80's in Edinburgh playhouse. He was jaw - dropingly good. He played every instrument on stage. A real hero of mine. gary
  12. We are lucky, there's no doubt and I think, personally the positives far outweigh the negatives. I believe that the people on the scene are extremely passionate about it and it is this passion that causes the odd conflict, which i guess is only human. Conflict is after all described as " to be at odds with or a difference of opinions" People desperately want to get their point of view accross, which is good. What is bad is when it degenerates in to a slanging match and as you say Paul thank goodness for Mike and the Mods. I too find myself tut tutting at some of the comments but remind myself for me it's about the music and how much i love it in all of it's forms. As I've said before in other posts the knowledge, experience and willingness to help on here is astounding regrdless of whether it's your first post or your 1000th post. There's no one person for me that needs thanking but every one on here without whom it would be pretty dull and i don't mind saying, without soulsource there would be a void. gary
  13. My first listen i thought ooohhhhh that's bad but i was comparing it, my second listen i tried to hear it for what it is and imagine if i'd not heard Rita's and i though that's not bad! gary
  14. Rita and the tiaras is without doubt a masterpiece BUT what if you had heard Betty's first? It's not a bad song really, yes it does not compare but it's not bad.....is it? gary
  15. Just managed to get the clip to play.....OH MY GOD!! How good is that?! gary
  16. Got a couple of his things on 12" - Great voice, didn't realise the family ties! gary
  17. Cheers, just curious gary
  18. How about the same fellow doing C'mon and swim? gary
  19. Any idea how much it goes for these days? gary
  20. Patiently waiting on the following, although i'm getting a bit fed-up with the time they're taking!! Soul Survivors - mama soul - Atco Intrigues - In a moment - Yew Corsairs and Landy mcNeil - On the Spanish side - Tuff Fred waters - I wish for a miracle - reforee(W/D) Larry and the Larks - Tell me - Veep (W/D) Little Ben and the cheers - Brown eyed devil - Rush Whispers - Needle in a Haystack - Soul clock gary
  21. Look forward to it, got an old soulie friend visiting should be a grand way to enjoy a bottle of wine, or two. gary
  22. As i was typing this came on my jukebox - Jimmy Ruffin - I'll never let you get away - Tamla Motown TMG922 the flip side of Farewel is a lonely sound. I remember reading about his some time ago and thinking I'm sure I've got that somewhere. Dug it out, played and said aloud Holy Sheet. gary
  23. Peggy Gaines Sweet way of living - Reforee - great crossover tune at only 1min 31secs, what's going on there then? Did they run out of ideas, words, time, money. Such a good tune but hardly seems an in-justice at 1min 31secs!!! FLIP IT - Just to satisfy my baby- KILLER TUNE and 1 min 11secs longer!!!! gary
  24. Flipped the Triumphs Coming to your rescue lately for the first time.....ohhhhh what joy. "The world owes me a lovin" an angelic voice and lovely bit of tenor sax...perfect! gary

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