We are lucky, there's no doubt and I think, personally the positives far outweigh the negatives. I believe that the people on the scene are extremely passionate about it and it is this passion that causes the odd conflict, which i guess is only human. Conflict is after all described as " to be at odds with or a difference of opinions" People desperately want to get their point of view accross, which is good. What is bad is when it degenerates in to a slanging match and as you say Paul thank goodness for Mike and the Mods. I too find myself tut tutting at some of the comments but remind myself for me it's about the music and how much i love it in all of it's forms.
As I've said before in other posts the knowledge, experience and willingness to help on here is astounding regrdless of whether it's your first post or your 1000th post.
There's no one person for me that needs thanking but every one on here without whom it would be pretty dull and i don't mind saying, without soulsource there would be a void.