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Everything posted by gazman

  1. Interesting video. I was in the Lower East side around Houston St in December. i sussed out half a dozen stores that I wanted to visit. When I got there they were all closed down due to the recession!!! Used to be some good little shops on 5th Avenue around Washington Square. gary
  2. THIRDED!! It's the style of music I enjoy in a record not necessarily the age. gary
  3. Winstons! gary
  4. Thanks for this. Listened to some of the show live and really enjoyed it. Downloaded the rest to listen in the car. gary
  5. Brett EXCELLENT stuff, I'll be sure to try and catch it on local radio whilst I'm working. Are you taking requests? gary
  6. pete Have the PYE Maxi EP from 1972 with the following if you're interested A Side David Bowie 1. Do anything you say 2. I dig everything B Side David Bowie and the Lower Third 1. I can't help thinking about me David Bowie 2. I'm not losing sleep. The PYE sleeve is a bit tatty but the vinyl is hardly played. Gary
  7. Where's the question about OVO - V's - Boots? Certainly frequently asked on here!!! gary
  8. Blue Magic - Can I say that I love you - Liberty gary
  9. funny i was going to say Almeta lattimore and the Crow - We'll call it a draw!!! gary
  10. mark That is really shit news, sorry to hear it. Hope the scumbags get caught and I hope things work out for you. Good luck gary
  11. What a great list of tunes and so good to see Don Downing sneaking in at the end. A superb tune, incidentally I it posted in refosoul in Aug 2007, was I first???? DON DOWNING - LOVE WALKED OUT - ROADSHOW - gary
  12. Wise words Brett. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy!! gary
  13. Sad, sad news, a truly MAGIC voice. R.I.P gary
  14. sad news, as said by all above a masterpiece LP. R.I.P gary
  15. Exactly my sentiments. gary
  16. What a question....soooo many great tunes to be had. many of the above tunes would be right up there, Superlatives, American Gypsy, Gloria Shannon etc but i'd go for these purely 'cause There's too many to pick from and Jimmy Robins is the ultimate deep track (IMO). C.M. Lord - Oh Mama John Edwards - messing up a good thing Dells - Make sure (the best Soul tune ever?) Lucifer - Don't you think Jimmy Robins - I made it over/Can't please you gary
  17. Strong as death (sweet as love). gary
  18. First three that I played H.B. Barnum - Gotta go - Capitol (Beat ballad-tastic) Emotions - So I can love you - Volt (literally found this in a pile in the cupboard last night and can't stop playing it) Aretha Franklin - I can't see myself leaving you - Atlantic (Goosebumps every time). Happy days gary
  19. I agree with Pete, looks too risky! gary
  20. Ian Could well be this guy. I'm sure I'd read something about Hawaii somewhere. Thanks for looking. gary
  22. Pete What a very noble gesture. Money sent to you. gary
  23. Does anyone have any info on this tune. Can't seem to find anything. Posted it today on the Crossover thread if you fancy a listen. thanks gary
  24. A BIG heart! What a lovely gesture. Merry Christmas to you. gary

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