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Everything posted by gazman

  1. Always thought this was a stunner. gary
  2. The Danderliers - Walk on with your nose up - Midas gary
  3. A STUNNER!! Bogen Richard - it won't hurt - Birth [media=]https://youtu.be/RpubLqUyfyE gary
  4. I had forgotten how good this is until I dug it out recently. gary
  5. Love this tune. Bloodstone - Never let you go. gary
  6. You tube is full of ropey videos, the only one I've up loaded for instance is particularly shit. In my defence I only put it up to try and get some info on the song. I open another window and just enjoy the music if it's a crap video. gary
  7. It's The Four Tops - Don't bring back memories - Motown............................The video plays OK for me?! gary
  8. A great cheapie. Loving this at the moment. gary
  9. I thought I'd hate this.......but I don't. gary
  10. Another from the Maxwell stable......stunning tune. gary
  11. I actually bought this for the other side called 'so much better'. Two great sides. gary
  12. A record room power play at the moment for me. gary
  13. I thought the same. gary
  14. Mickey Newbury - There she goes again gary
  15. Martyn Always loved this tune. I recently became friends with Dorothy Dyer of the Teardrops and her husband. they still live in Cincinnati and still have a big interest in music. The other week Dorothy sent me a copy of their first single 'Tonight I'm gonna fall in love' with a lovely personal message on the cover. really nice folk. gary
  16. I was recently reminded how good this is, loving it at the moment. gary
  17. Going to stick a cheeky second one on today. I posted a question about this a couple of weeks back and finally managed to figure how to put it on Youtube. gary
  18. A bit of Blue Eyed Nebraska Soul, love it!! gary

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