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Everything posted by gazman

  1. A stonking tune. The Superiors Band - Darling I love you - Barvis gary
  2. dreamy stuff Brothers by choice - Oh darlin' - ALA gary
  3. Ronnie Sawyer & Oscar Cobb III - Take My World - Delta Great double sider that just builds and builds gary
  4. great read! gary
  5. A nice album track from the 'Let me live in your life' LP Ben E King - Family Jewels gary
  6. Been a popular tune in my record room for a long time. New Concepts - Give me another chance - Phillips gary
  7. Another great midtempo tune today. the Emotions - So I can love you - Volt
  8. A lovely tune to ease on into the weekend. Len Woods - I'm in love - Revue gary
  9. Please give him my very best regards. gary
  10. Aye, not sure I'd have said it to his face The man was a legend and I for one miss his contributions hugely. gary
  11. Just Lovely this one and becoming quite saught after these days. Jimmie Okera Hightower - Love and Life - BCN gary
  12. Brilliant tune! I'm sure the great Baz Atkinson once called this one of the greatest soul songs ever and he sure had fantastic taste. gary
  13. Martyn Agree it's just a good tune to listen to. Pretty sure it's not the same George. gary
  14. An interesting gospel tune from me today on the Designer label out of Memphis. Most likely a 'vanity' record and not the best production but i LOVE it. Genessee Gospel Travellers featuring George Smith - Don't blame it on the children - Designer gary
  15. An altogether Grrrreat tune. it reminded me how much I love and value this one too. Tony Middleton - Spanish Maiden - Speed/Storm

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