Yes Stu!
I started buying vinyl again about 8 years ago - initially I only bought three or four a month - always cheapies and a bit hit and miss in the quality but it drew me in like a chinaman to an opium den
- gradually the fascination grew, my skill at truffle hunting blossomed and the numbers of purchases steadily increased until i was showing all the signs of classic addiction dry mouth, staring eyes, the pounding of the heart on a Monday morning as i logged in and opened the first sales list of the week - the gazing at long lists of 45's and then the madness - hours spent opening new tunes on You Tube , doubling back to check the prices elsewhere - finding it £10 quid cheaper on another list - but AAAAAAGH the very fact you've checked another list for it means you've found another list with MORE that you need to check - and so you dig deeper - the horrible thrill of multiple postage deals which then drive you on to the illogical conclusion that if you buy two more off the list it works out cheaper - the frenzy as you start to rush because you've now been online looking at records for an hour and a half and you were supposed to be working - the rising panic when you see a bargain and have to move quick and buy it BUT actually you havent got the money - the huge thrill of the hunt - the quick climax of the buy - the wave of guilt that immediately follows and then the wait - part anticipation part self-flagellation - the arrival and the second frenzy of opening the box and spinning that tune (or two or three or four - the shame of it!!!) and then within 5 minutes you're at it again , crawling back to the computer and the fix you need .....
Hahahaha I'm becoming a 5 a week girl - i need help - please disable my paypal and chain me up I've never been so happy in my life !!