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Everything posted by Jules

  1. I`m sure that when I first started going to nighters aged 18 there were loads of older bods there, well they seemed a lot older to me.
  2. Mergie Josephs- taking all the love that I can, that goes on a bit before it kicks in, does that ever get spins???? should do
  3. 3 I love you 1000 times- 2 walking up a one way street 1 not for me- the sammy davis jnr version
  4. Favourite DJ Early days -95 1.BRIAN RAE 2.RICHARD SEARLING 3.JOHN VINCENT Favourite DJ 95 - Present day 1. 2. 3. Favourite all time DJ 1. BRIAN RAE
  5. stayed in specially to listen, excellent!
  6. anyone who spins yoyo is a quality DJ, IMO of course. I`ll get there early just to hear it, perhaps I`ll set off right after city have beaten the hammers in the cup.
  7. quite true coops, trouble is as soon as another competitor came within 6 foot of him he would have gone down like a sack of shat and complained to the judges!
  8. steve we will discuss this over a pint at banbury, and you can show me your hand of many fingers
  9. cant wait for the derby, this season will be the first time city have won at the salford meccano since the greatest day in english sporting history when city put united into the second division,(where they belong). CTID
  10. is he a man united fan then?
  11. heard it played at the casino a few times, havent heard it spun for 30 years, good sound, sure Ive got a boot somewhere.
  12. coming from kent I can only assume you are a rag? no self respecting northerner would ever go to "el macano" unless man city were playing!
  13. ",ManCity fans would relish a shutdown in favor of going to ManU." anyone who believes that is on drugs
  14. vinny gerstroke- hold on I`m coming - on shoot demo go on then beat that!
  15. I saw a couple of guys get set upon on the balcony at the casino early one sunday morning, think it was drug releted
  16. apart from one last trip to the casino ( 81 I think) I thought I never went to any soul nights in the eighties due to living in Jersey, ( a truly souless place) and in the latter part of the decade working away in the far east ( hong kong etc, not norwich). A quick glance through the list of 80`s venues jogged the memory a bit and I seem to remember I went to about 10 of the listed venues during the period. Hinkley nighters were good, remember martha reeves not turning up? god what year was that? 100 club, the outrigger, seems the 80s wernt so bad after all, Im sure if I could have I would have gone to many, many more. is there such a thing as a memory tablet?
  17. dave shaw was selling and signing copies of his book, casino, at one of the nighter I went to a few years ago, (think it was the fleet weekender, probably wrong though), why not give that a go. Blackpool in a few weeks would be a good venue. only a thought!
  18. jackie wilsons voice box got it right! DJ`s dontcha just love em . someone on this thread defending DJ`s and there never ending quest to find new material etc etc perhaps should try to calculate the no of records that have been played out on the ns scene over the last 40 odd years, 20,000 perhaps, I dont think I need any new discoveries as I`m still catching up on thousands of records already discovered many years ago I aint heard yet! man city for the cup
  19. vanity plates, never seen a funny one yet.
  20. chris evans is about as funny as a burning orphanage, however as he played the snake tonight on rad 2 he now becomes as funny as pikeys moving in next door
  21. read and collected it from 75-78, threw them out years ago, shame really, used to love it
  22. I,ll watch university challenge now just in case there is a question on wigan casino
  23. he looked a bit nervy to me, come on then you lot how many did you get, I got 6
  24. theres a guy from blackpool on mastermind whos chosen subject is motown, I,ll tell you all his score in about 20 mins

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