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Everything posted by Jules

  1. well....it made me laugh
  2. yes I believe it was, sure I had a copy
  3. our new beach house
  4. sorry forgot the text. this is the view from our garden, it is in las nunas, Ecuador. I could post pics of wonderful birds and butterflies that we have in abundance in the garden, but there are so many it would never end. we are moving to a beach house at the weekend, oh happy days !
  5. I went to a rockabilly party years ago, the dj played have love-richard berry and chills and fever so I guess we do have things in commom
  6. as I remember it,... it was covered as new experience-first edition
  7. I have the badge with the singer in the middle, is it worth much ?
  8. pete, what year was the top rank night? I don't remember ever hearing of this being a soul venue in the mid 70`s
  9. errrr, I thought it was the other way round, it was speeded up ? I am completely puddled though and am probably wrong.
  10. many years ago at a market stall, I bought -send him back- for a quid, that was all I had on me at the time, I passed on- I`m standing- ex+ stateside issue for the same price as for some reason I thought I`d already got a copy !!!
  11. clip only plays in the UK !
  12. edwin, saw him so many times, always superb marvin bham odeon 80
  13. a bit too much like hard work reading that
  14. hope you have a speedy recovery, and the villa get a decent manager.........for once jules and sandra
  15. If I remember, didnt his collection get auctioned, I`m sure I had a listing ?? and I think it was not long after his death
  16. https://www.xatech.com/web_gear/chat/chat.swf?id=216669570 for those that cant get into the chat room
  17. I went to a few nights there, main memory is martha reeves not turning up and got a refund on the way out, would that be 79???
  18. a great read, enjoyed that chalky, thanks for the effort!
  19. eddie holman and jerry butler, two of the real greats, do they still perform?
  20. superb pete, just superb, thankyou
  21. sure, I`ve got plenty of memorabilia, and many great memories too, how much are you paying for this info?

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