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Everything posted by Jules

  1. his best ?
  2. the bobby james version sounds like it was recorded with a duffle coat over the mic
  3. this is one of the few that I prefer to the vocal
  4. pk I agree with you that there are many worse recordings, but for lyrics !!!!!! you would have to go a long way to beat this...pop the fluey in me huey !, slip the blood to me bud, shoot the juice to me bruce., pour the crimson in me jimson....need I go on ?
  5. I`m not sure why I`m posting this as I think it is truly great disc, others may find it differt though
  6. if I remember the first issues were 65p then they went up to 80p, not sure what the final price was
  7. if I remember correctly it was 76 at the 3rd aniv ?
  8. good article, well written
  9. cecil the unwanted frenchfry is an absolute gem that everyone should listen to, its a bit sad though
  10. I am sure that everyone will agree that there has been so, so many great recordings from Motown over the best period of soul music, I must have heard them all, but my favourite backing vocals, and lead, will always be.. jimmy mack, I never get tired of hearing it, I guess, because it was such a commercial best seller that it gets overlooked? just my opinion
  11. first time I have heard the jean carter track, wow, superb
  12. I prefer….if I could move I`d get my gun and put her in the ground
  13. George, should I get the beads...….oh shut up woman and get back in the wagon ! from 3 wheels on my wagon
  14. Feliz Navidad y un feliz año nuevo para todos ustedes from Ecuador
  15. Eddie Holman, great vocal range and a sweet voice,
  16. I`ve seen a lot worse
  17. proper feel good, cant say I ever remember hearing it played out
  18. very little in this, the artistics to sit and listen to, tother for the floor, two great recordings though
  19. dusty wins this by a light year, far better voice, sounds great in a big venue.
  20. Edwin by a distance, his vocals are just superb, tother version aint bad though
  21. I`m sure I saw the exciters 3 times 75-77 at the casino, am I wrong ?
  22. does this ep have..theres a fowl owl on the prowl on it ? it was played in the film on a juke box
  23. the first pic is a burrowing owl outside its nest, this is just off the beach in the dunes at ayampe, Ecuador, the 2nd is the adult nesting pair, lucky to see these really
  24. quite like it, good effort
  25. wasnt the sound quality of these 2nd issues pretty poor? well it is on mine

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