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Everything posted by Jules

  1. well I love the wheel and its playlist, just thinkin if some of these modern soul events will be looked back at and admired in 35 years time by people who never went to them! think not!
  2. I have 2 loves in life ns and man city, both can be expensive, but the joy from them is what makes life worth living, is it not? City 1 - 0 united, worth every penny
  3. you listen to radio 1!!! thats the most shitkickin station on the airways
  4. the fugitives- human jungle, still makes me laugh now
  5. ruby winters- like a yo yo, what a sound! v rarely gets a spin, whats up with you dj s?
  6. jocko - "The rare soul scene has always been about record collecting, and knowledge, " dont think so, its about a dancefloor and enjoying yerself!
  7. Im going to spain for 12 days over christmas, in torrevieja, anything on within 150 miles? would love to go to a nighter over christmas
  8. "believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear". might make a good line for a song that.
  9. saw him in Birmingham the other week, still quality.
  10. now I know what love is- Al Wilson, gets me evertime.
  11. not sure of the capacity but I do remember buying one of the last tickets for the 3rd aniversary and I`d swear the ticket number was 299- something , just remember discussing it thinking I was lucky to get one of the last 5 tickets for sale. there must have been 3000 there on the 3rd an. remember not being able to find a space to sit on the floor anywhere! good days indeed.
  12. bono, u2, soulfull, dont make me laugh. neither is nothing compares to you by sinead oconnor before anyone mentions it!

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