After pages and pages of the same old thing the same old way AGAINNNNNNNNNNNN I feel I must put in a word for the PENDULEM CLUB right in between the Wheel, Torch, Mecca, Wigan and yes I was there at the time being 16 in 1970. Most of these latter named clubs where bigger but no better, such a shame that like most good things in life, time at the PENDULEM was short and sweet for a small venue which was special many great tracks I heard played there first. Shame it never gets more of a mention, mind you it only had about 600 - 700 members registered ehhhhh , a Soul Club with character. Still a few left in the U.K. but not many that try to stick to what matters and do not worry about exposure, only the MUSIC matters and everything and everyone else is just a by product of it. Here's to all the original artists that produced these sounds, so let's keep Diggin for fresh tunes from them as a never ending tribute and move on. Don't be complacent expect the best when you travel out, there is no reason in the world why you should go to a night out and be disappointed with the music, but many will this weekend. SHAME!!!! stop living in a bubble and break out be brave open your ears and try something new. Just my opinion.