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Everything posted by Illusive

  1. Pm'd you
  2. No price on it Paul, which might explain why it's not sold. Best Gav
  3. Good to see you fixed it
  4. It looks like you're pretty new to Soul Sauce so can I ask why you have the same discs for sale on Discogs, but Betty Wright is $10 cheaper and Thee Midnighters $15 cheaper on discogs, whilst the other three are the same price? Struggling with this one especially as you have to pay a % of any sale on that site. Maybe it was a simple oversight?
  5. Tough one to locate but Dave Flynn turns one up every now and then, which is where I got mine from. Might be worth giving him a shout.
  6. Hi Ady pm'd you again. Best Gav
  7. Pm'd ya re Reggie Soul.
  8. Buy the album. Full of great tracks and ridiculously, cheaper than this daft priced reissue 45.
  9. Now that's not to be sniffed at.
  10. Packages starting from £3k !!!!! I can think of a lot of vinyl I'd like to buy before splashing that kind of cash on a disc I ain't gonna enjoy
  11. Modern soul oldies ! Ain't that a double negative?
  12. Terrible news today that Melv has passed away. Melv was a soul man to the core and will be sadly missed by many across Yorkshire. His love of Southern influenced soul and Otis Redding in particular is reflected in his nickname on SS as Makstax. He was a real character and was known to many as Speedy, associated with is reputation as a darts player who wasted no time at he oche. Melv was a fountain of knowledge about all things soulful and he will be sadly missed by many. Many knew Melv much better than myself but I'm deeply saddened by his death, and have pondered long and hard if I could I have done more to prevent his passing far too early. R.I.P soul man. Condolences to your loved ones Gav
  13. https://www.soulbrother.com/shop/soul-togetherness-2012-2/
  14. Pm 'd you again
  15. Pm'd you
  16. https://www.parkersrc.com/45_Records.aspx?C=3&N=C,D
  17. Yeah i remember your post Chalks and spent last couple of days searching for the bloody thing on Sounclound and here, and both have gone!! Still great for it to be on vinyl at last.
  18. On my decks right now. WOW WOW WOW These two Jimmy Delphs tracks rank amongst the best previously unreleased sides I've ever heard. The same impact on first hearing as "Reconsider" and "Suspicion" which is high praise indeed, only these go one step further as they're legit. releases! Thanks for the speedy delivery Rob.
  19. Collectors and folks who place value on ovo will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, but age will naturally reduce those of us that love the feel, authenticity and history that we carry in our veins when stroking our vinyl, so will just have to accept change is inevitable and unstoppable. BUT for the moment when that treasure falls through the door from the postie it still feels fecking great. Comparable to sex ? Go on admit it you know it is. Or am I too bleeding old now to enjoy the other so much anymore ! Casual soul fans and many who have a passion for oldies and dancing to em (and let's not forget oldies are still the foundation of the scene and are still in all of our blood) will attend events far and wide without really giving a flying fook about the medium, ovo, cd, MP3, pressing etc. Cause it's what's in the groove that counts AND the social camaraderie they enjoy for the vast majority. It's so easy to criticise something you don't understand, and it doesn't mean you're right, so let em enjoy themselves, life's too short. Young people will move with the times. My kids think I'm crazy spending money on ancient vinyl, and they'd potentially have me sectioned if they could for the amount of money I've " invested" ha ha in my collection which takes pride of place in its own room. That in itself is something to consider, kids can't afford deposits for houses let alone create the space for a stack of vinyl at comparibly crazy prices. But a tablet or phone and a set of headphones or blue tooth speaker and a link to a cloud gives them access the tens of thousands of tunes and the means to enjoy em! Anyone remember when mobile phones started to become popular but the cost of the calls was extortionate? I do and I swore I'd never have one. Guess what, I know pay for four subscriptions a month and rarely use the landline. Phone boxes are almost obsolete and maybe one day vinyl will become so too, except for a small group of obsessives like the antique dealers of today, but they invest in the asthetic value not the practical. It'll be a sad day but it will happen. Don't you want your great great grandkids to still be able to shake their tail to the sound of black America? Of course you bloody do and so do I. Gav
  20. The crazy world of northern soul or in the case of these packs disco, boogie, funk, etc etc. For the record Nik Nak I think you've taken a measured view throughout and have done well not to rise to some of the ridiculous comments that have been thrown at you for exposing Levine's behaviour in selling you knackered discs. I'm sure you never expected to pull out a few undiscovered treasures but equally didn't expect so many unplayable discs. I've listened to his podcasts, and his marketing of these 'soul packs' is clearly designed to lure people into believing the hype that their in for some real treats. Perhaps you were guilable but I guess we've all been shafted at one time or another by flannel. Why some folks have tried to defend his positon in selling such unplayable crap I don't understand. Friends or not if the man has failed to deliver the goods as advertised then he deserves to be exposed, to help other potentially more guilable folks falling for his patter. I think in all honesty that had this occurred with a seller unknown to most and without Levine's notoriety the vast majority on here would unite in unison to decry the practice of selling such trash, but the fact that it's Levine many feel obliged to extend their support to, and of him. Misplaced loyalties maybe, but only those offering support will know that. The other debacle involving counterfeit goods is a whole different issue and I'm sure the truth will out in due course. I'm just glad I don't have the cash to invest in big ticket items so won't be personally affected by the majority of the batch mentioned, but I do know some good people who just might be and they have my support in wanting to bottom this issue and to expose the scumbags that have attempted to produce these discs to fleece hard earned cash from unsuspecting real sou folk who are by and large a great faithful and supportive bunch.
  21. Talk about putting the cat amongst the pigeons Len !!!
  22. Agreed, some cracking tracks on them all.
  23. Yes I wouldn't dispute that but in the era of MP3's many are now selling on cd's for much less than what they paid for them. I bought most of the early Goldmine and Kent Cd's and LP's at the time they were released but I'm pretty sure I'd struggle to get anywhere near what i paid for them now.
  24. https://www.discogs.com/sell/release/7456228?ev=rb Personally I'd shop around and wait a while than paying these prices. Even £20+ seems excessive.
  25. Hi Don To echo Mal's advise the recent record store day reissue is superb quality. Brilliant album, not a bad track on it. Gav

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