I'm becoming increasingly annoyed (polite version) about some individuals behaviour on SS, seizing the opportunity to profit from other members and guests potential naivety, selling new or recently released 45's at grossly inflated prices when those 45's are still for sale on other sites / sellers pages at retail prices.
I'm sure some will disagree in this consumer led 'feck it if they don't know any better society' but it saddens me, as the soul community to me has always been about sharing the love of the music and providing ready access to the media, be it on vinyl or cd whilst making a bob or two, but nothing which leaves buyers feeling ripped off.
I don't think I'm alone in this view and am glad to say lots of the community can still hold their heads up as they show integrity and respect for other members in their sales posts by not doubling prices and chancing their arm.
So what are Soul Source's members views ?
Lets 'av it.