Saying Picton Street was ran by an old couple makes me feel bloody ancient. I was in there for 2/3 times a week from 1970 til the early 80's. Ray, the younger of the 2 was about 30 when I first went. I went mainly for contemporary stuff, but a collector called John Gough, who I never met, had a box of recent stuff (US and UK) that he must have got fed up with quickly at 40p each. This was how I got my pink Carstairs.
I used to get around to a dozen or so junk shops in Bristol that always had boxes of records but I never knew about the one on Christmas Steps, famous for it's Joke Shop.
One record shop on Gloucester Rd, Disc 'N Tape, had a box on the counter full of current UK demos for 40p. I always assumed they were left by a Rep. I got half the Grapevine singles on demo and a lot of Motown, including "Rode by the Place" Green Demo.
Was I the only one doing this at the time?