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Everything posted by Sikirby

  1. Jackey Beavers -Trying to get back to You Dorothy Morrison - I can't go without you Creative Source - Don't be afraid to take my love
  2. The Founder of Northern Soul Dance in the UK???
  3. So "back in the day" when those of us attending Wigan who stopped wearing Spencers bags and adopted narrow leg jeans and trousers as that was the fashion of the day, we became divvies?. And I somehow doubt that the clothing worn by those who went to the mecca/ritz influenced the direction of fashion for the UK.
  4. Isaac Hayes - Disc Connection Vicki Sue Robinson - Turn The Beat Around Donna Summer - Spring Affair Esther Philips - What A Difference A Day Makes Disco ? All played at the Mecca amongst other venues!
  5. Definitely a Wigan spin for Richard Searling other tracks getting spins around that time included: Paradise - Pyramid Do you love me - Patti Austin How Can I tell Her - Curtis Shonuff no Funny Stuff - Charles Mann let’s spend Some Time Together - Larry Houston Over The Top - Roy Dawson Let Somebody Love You - Keni Burke Gonna Give You My Love - Gary Glenn
  6. The ludicrous thing is most of us had stopped wearing Spencer’s (Bags) at Wigan by 79 And was wearing the fashion of the day pegs etc. Strangely there’s probably more of the retro types wearing flares and adorning themselves with badges now than there was back then!
  7. Agree LSH was a late Wigan spin for Richard
  8. Martha Reeves and The Vandellas I’m pretty sure when they played there that the band kept breaking into One Way Out but she never really sang it,
  9. Howard Guyton - I Watched You Slowly Slip Away
  10. Also attended the said event and share similar sentiments, on the whole I enjoyed the evening, but there were times when it was difficult to recognise what was getting played if you were at the far end of the room and the floor could look very empty when not so popular records were played. But other than that it was nice to have an nighter back in Wigan.
  11. Bootlegs are just that, they are not rare as the originals may be, so I'm amazed how some folk try to justify the prices they go for! Especially when described as 70's rare bootlegs/re-issue as if that has some provenance!!
  12. Why not? They used to manage to do it at Wigan!
  13. I think it's difficult to give it a precise timeline, as it can depend on how long a record remains popular on the playlists of dj's before being dropped for more recent finds. For example during the seventies and early eighties some Newies would remain current and popular for a year or more whilst others would be dropped only after a few plays due to bad dance floor reaction, either way these records would become oldies whether forgotten or not.
  14. Not trying to sound flippant, but surely it's when a Newie to the scene is no longer a Newie ! As all oldies were once yesterday's Newies regardless of the year the track was recorded. And although some oldies may be new to some individuals it doesn't change the fact that they are still oldies.........
  15. Always thought it was one of the same, up until the phrase northern soul was coined, it was the rare soul scene!....as for the records played being rare that is also a matter of conjecture, are they rare through scarcity of amount eg The Royal Esquires - Ain't gonna run, was thought to be quite rare until a load were discovered does that mean it stopped being rare and became just northern!?
  16. As I'm not from "Oop narth" I have been somewhat daring and I have been bothered to visit not only Oxford Street, and Holloway Road but also daring enough to journey east as far as Hamburg and Nuremburg! I'm not trying to diminish the credibility of any nighter post Wigan, I'm simply saying there isn't a regular weekly focal point of the same ilk!!
  17. I share your sentiments. I understand that things change and evolve, but i think that what's missing is a focal point. Wigan was really the last regular weekly venue that still had a crowd pulling power as it had a mystique about it as well as an unforgettable atmosphere, and although other venues such as the Clifton Hall and Stafford admirably picked up the pieces and kept the scene going it was never the same. It's quite ironic that you often here and read comments that the scene is healthier and better than ever, so why so much discontentment?
  18. Robert & The Uptights - The Kick .....There is an earlier forum on this piece of awfulness, I think it was titled Northern on Coronation Street !!
  19. totally agree absolutely awful......as for holy grai!.....thank heavens that it is the only copy
  20. The northern soul scene was always about going to a venue to listen and dance to rare and obscure records that's why some of us older ones went to such clubs as the casino as they were the only places to hear them played by the djs of the day which was part of the attraction, it really doesn't take much to download off YouTube and similar sites to create a set but it takes time effort and dedication to search and pay for the music that we appreciate on its original format
  21. If the venues and DJ's are decent enough then there would only be OVO played as that's what the scene was built around; collecting, listening and dancing to the rare and obscure on its original format and not off a cd, memory stick/pc or boots. As for atmosphere,that's something else that seems to be missing from today's scene, too brightly lit venues and the lack of clapping even the "Worlds No1 Allnighter" with its decent numbers doesn't seem to have that much atmosphere in comparison to those from the halcyon days.........or am I just being just a tad get too critical?
  22. A few favourite Mecca and Wigan spins

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