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Marrs bar pete

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About Marrs bar pete

  • Birthday 04/04/1956

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  • Top Soul Sound
    lou pride 'comin home/mornin'

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  1. FOR SALE Thorpe park accommodation , opposite the soul weekender just the face value required £165 , cheque will do cheers, pm me your phone number... Pete.
  2. only know the G.B . track , didn't he also do one called ' The Ghetto'
  3. It was 1978 northern had died for me ,Jazz Funk was the coolest move to make, remember the Ritz and the notts palais the locarno etc. The people were the coolist the tunes were brand new album tracks from the states my faves were WILLI BOBO, HERBIE HANCOCK, WILBERT LONGMIER to name but a few , what are yours? any way i'll be doing an hour of stuff at the Rugby all nighter in the free room at 4 am..cya there funksters!!!!!
  4. Yep this is a problem everywhere, it's well documented that we suffer from it aswell ,the answer is membership only and weve got 450 members, be great if they all came on the same night then we'd be able to open the upstairs room .
  5. Dont know who played it , but are you thinkin of 'Gonna hang on in there, girl ' Jesse Davis on ERA
  6. Great D.J. line up as always with kenny Burrell , Roger Banks, Nige Brown plus the regs guarenteed to be a top night ,come an sample the' ultimate all night soul experience'
  7. Just got back from a most wonderful night of tingly moments, actually there were so many they seemed to blend into one. Al Green is one of those 'Do before ya die ' shows and what a show at NIA in brum , full house of real fans they were dancing in the ilses to all the old tunes . first up tho at 7.30 sharp was our very own Gabrielle, no patch! but tasty designer eye wear, did an hour of great stuff .I'd forgotten how many great tracks she's done, it was a fantastic start to the show . The Roadies came on and ajusted everything in time for the main event. The band took there places the lead femme vocalist gave a little address and in typical american Razzamatazz and whoha on walked a now portly pushing 60 year old gentleman in a dj and shades Yes folks it was The great AL GREEN armed with 50 roses which he threw to all the lovely ladies who were creaming there pants to get one any way the show was brilliant, all your favs were covered , for me the highlight was ' let's get married' which he did early doors as bonding thing between him and his audience the low light was tho 'no oncor ( spell check that ) he could've come back and done 'Take me to the river ' that would've been the icing on the cake . ah well thats another one ticked off for me now, only 'Aretha' left... Pete
  8. It weren't in 76 was it Pete, cos thats probably what i sold mine for, when i was selling up. would love it again , great record, fond memories, fab label to.a copy went on ebay recently for $1100 bit much i thought ,£300 more the mark.
  9. Nice topic . heres my four penneth. Autographs of aretha franklin , otis redding . edwin starr , jj. barnes . steve mancha. ... Mary Wilson.... george Best!!! plus personal cine film of me and the crowd from the leicester coach outside wigan ( tried to take it inside but it were dark ) and my only tape recorded in May 75.. cheers Pete
  10. Certain records you'll see on issue " stock copy " only , can someone out there in soulland tell me if they have ever seen promos of Mickey Champion and Sam Wards " Sister Lee" .ALso would be interesting to know of any others...Pete
  11. yep!!!!!!!! all the great ones have covered here but what about Saxie Russell flip , i'll always recall one R,SEARLING playing the inst instead of the vocal at wigan got it on a 1975 tape ( wiganer 1 will back me up there , won't you mark) diggin deep now, played cliff nobles ' Horse fever ' ( inst to 'judge baby i'm back) the other week and that sounded pretty good, dead loud.All time favs are BARI TRACK ,Thumb a ride( those wigan handclaps , awesome) and Third time around ' soon everythings gonna be alright' flip.. keep em coming .Pete
  12. Bought a british collection of 300 soul, motown ,atlantic etc in '75 from Mick Stacy ( a legend in Leicester , nite owl and wheel punter ) records in there were loads if 500 series motown stateside plus ART FREEMAN slippin around ... sold it at wigan " 2 POUNDS" needed to buy current biggies at the time . Wish i had it now!! Pete
  13. Hi eddie this was only booted as an issue replica ( bloody good one to) matrix numbers will tell the diff. a real demo should be red and white with plug side on the flip.. Hope this helps Pete ( see you at bambury on the 19th)

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