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Everything posted by Lfcjunkie

  1. I wouldn't say they're better as there older...seen some of the younger ones doing the acrobatic stuff but even they don't seem to be as good dunno why really they just don't. ..maybe because the hip hop /break dancers took it to another level....but they don't spin Don they?.....totally agree with you on the clapping unison thing back in the day if you was on the balcony looking down it was something special. ..hey 'some'of the older guys can do it without looking to struggle do look good. ...I wouldn't get back up ....for a laugh I did a bit at my daughter's wedding last year. ..jesus christ Dave
  2. Whatever you do buy the lp...you get the even better ..'if I could open up my heart'..thee version... Dave L
  3. Agree each to their own etc nobody should tell anyone what they've got to wear on any scene...but I saw some folks changing into this gear in the bogs at a couple of venues years ago which put the kibosh on it for me as I knew what was coming with this dressage next. ..the shit pop stompers...sure enough they did...I go to a soul bash I rarely dance but I can honestly say I can thoroughly enjoy myself without dancing. .just soaking up a ballad even...it depends where you go i suppose..maybe I'm in a very small minority but I'd still be into soul music without a dance scene ..I get where the wide pants come from back in the day for dancing in and flares etc being 'in' fashion...but some of them must be terrible dancers if they dance better in bags coz I ain't seen too many great movers in 'em..one or two maybe. .
  4. Just a thought but won't some of these 'divs' be members on here ..I mean the ones with the baggie pants,badges and beer towels etc...+..surely at least one or two of them would or should spring to defend all that's being thrown at them (tables and chairs preferably )..only joking..but none have come on here in defence. ..also there is obviously more than one kind of 'div' on the soul scene...once worked with a guy who showed absolutely no interest in the scene in the late 90's , I'd be talking where I'd been at the weekend, records,new sounds with no feedback off him at all but to see him now Mr. Northern Soul or fucking what...by the way he doesn't where baggies neither....
  5. Yes Brian ...and a with the great Richard Marks some great info on the Richard Marks lp (you got released)regarding Bill Wright too... Dave L
  6. Sold my Bobby Kline to Carl Willingham in '96...it paid my mortgage for the month we'd just moved and first payment was due but the construction firm I was working for went under owing 3 weeks wages ..I was skint so it had to go...at the time my brother,& Stuart Marshall John Purvis and myself was promoting Soul nights at the Devonshire Hotel in Skipton N. Yorkshire. ..one particular night ...John Powney. .Mark Bicknell. (whom were guesting for us) had their Bobby Kline 45s with them...along with my copy there was 3 copies in the same backroom of the Dev...wonder what chances that happening now along with the fact that there wouldn't have been pennies paid out for all 3 copies compared to now...hell if Derek Pearson was on that night there'd have been 4 in the room!!...I'm mortgage free now and often think what may have happened if I hadn't parted with it...still ...wouldn't mind one though. ..Bobby Kline that is... Dave L
  7. I still talk/think about that Sunday. .had such an impact..I'll never forget the Saturday night either I kept glancing at Bobbys lady/wife urging him on like you would a boxer in the final round...also Bobby picking out and shouting to Rick Foster in the audience. .'this one's for you Rick!'..then played the guitar...with..his teeth!
  8. If only at the Wilton Chalky.....be there in a shot mate Dave L
  9. Who'd ever forget his first appearance at Fleetwood his Sunday afternoon session was something special...
  10. Thanks Chris. ..how about George Jackson. ..'Aretha sing one for me'..cheeky bugger aren't I..thanks in advance again. ..dave
  11. Can someone please post up Ollie Nightingale 'I don't know why '...much appreciated. .thanks in advance. .dave L
  12. My favourite version offa one my favourite lp's...dave L
  13. Lovely track Kev ...I'm always championing Tommy 's 'Linger a little longer'...sure I can here traits of it on this..slays me every play.. Dave L
  14. Hey! America...James Brown. ..bought it blind as a young 'un Can't do clips....anyone? Dave L
  15. Same here bought a 30 quid record not a lot I know service was excellent what I can't get my head around is the big list of records they have for sale why risk losing the sales of all them and previous good feedback etc as well..doesn't make sense to me
  16. I'll try and locate the mag I had with Jimmy interview chalky. ..the way he 'worded ' it led me to think it dodgy/illegal. ..I hope you're right as I have one...sure I read somewhere else about guiness label being a tax avoidance scam...stand to be corrected though...dave
  17. According to Jimmy Cowell the USA copy isn't legal either... Dave L
  18. You're right Chalky.... John Briton should also be commended a stalwart of the Wilton ... Dave L
  19. Well I'm sure I speak for many to say we've had some great times at the live act venues would be an understatement..never will I understand soul fans that don't like live acts!!..what a venue for getting as close as you can get to hearing the artist actually sounding like the records with one of the best bands around and also where the artist/es actually hung around to chat sign autographs/records and the band too would mingle at the bar chatting and listening to the records...we'll not get another like it if you ask me...gutted especially now we ain't gonna see Patti!.... Dave L
  20. I know this doesn't help you really but I had 2 copies of this in the early-mid 90's both from U.S ...had $38 in them sold one for £80 back then...keep looking you may get lucky just like I did Dave L
  21. Like 'em both Derek fantastic song writing from Dan Greer but Carl Sims version edges it for me...it's the way he 'spits' it out ...almost in anger ...great looking label...also came out on Beale Street records later which is just as hard to find in my opinion..great label design too...!... Dave L .
  22. Sonny Craver . . ..in white men can't jump. ..
  23. James Thompson also penned the smash hit 'get down '...for Gene Chandler. ..his ship came in with that one
  24. Think i still have that Blackbeat somewhere Steve....if my mind serves me right ...big guy in what looks like big leather coat...anyhow rember your write up...r.i.p Curtis Dave L

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