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Everything posted by Lfcjunkie

  1. yeh have sleeve as well pal you sure can tell there was no air brushing photos them days !!! dave L
  2. great 1984 recording by mr floyd, really like all his stuff always liked this 80's 45 must be pretty obscure now,can anyone tell me was Big J his own label thanks dave L
  3. G C Cameron "strong love" of his seilf titled lp always does it for me good thread dave l
  4. Sam Dees-"what's it gonna be" The Show Must Go On( well the whole lp really)every soul collection should have one Curtis Mayfield-"No Thing On Me" (cocaine song)the ultimate anti coke song to me anyway another lp only track of Superfly dave L
  5. real sad news love watching the old soul train clips cool guy was don
  6. can't believe no-one snapped this up one of the best soul lps ever every track sheer class
  7. bobby womack on guitar Elvis "suspicious minds" and Janis Joplin "mercedes benz" dave L
  8. hi went here in 1997 and got to know hodge the owner well he was a friend of roy c and millie jackson he died tragically and his son Cookie took over he then died aged 42of cancer his widow majorie took over untill 2009 i think but really struggled all 3 were lovely people hodge rang other people with my wants list and i also gave him and his son my spare copies of voices from the shadows mags the area is run down but there ain't a bad man on evey corner a lot of talk is bullshit i think you just need to use common sense the barbers next door to the Soul Train shop are good guys and one rode with us to record heaven florida seems hard to find much though a mate walked in a store once that looked crap nothing in the racks etc he asked owner if he had anything in the back he said a few old 45s and showed him a small stack and siitig on top of the pile of records non with sleeves was Jimmy bo Horne "i just can't speak"for the princeley sum of $2 strangeley enough the rest of the pile ws just crap and pop music etc not another soul recodr among them keep digging dave L
  9. The Hard Tymes "I ask a question (answer simply) Ruby 45 deepest soul ever and then some dave L
  10. I was at the Chandler show he was great that night I thought he was making a beeline to me to shake my hand only to grab my mate Lance who was probably the only coloured lad he could see at the front of the crowd we caught up with him later for autograph etc think it may have been ayear earlier than '83 though
  11. a bit different my case but in the early 90s i bought a $14 cd of a US website and paid appropriate postage week later or so i gets a card through the letter box to collect package at local fedex depot I was asked to pay some kind of payment there to which i told them to well put it bluntly -f*ck off-ive paid for the item and post etc already and i got my cd off them!A month later maybe i gets a letter of a debt collecting agency for about £30 vat and fedex charges so i rung the agency who threatened court action blah blah fucking blah i told they ain't getting it and it'll cost them more than £30 quid trying ie letters court threats all the bullshit they were gonna go through =and to put it bluntly-told em to f*ck off .I never heard another sniff off em I think they are chancing it if everyone pays they are making a LOT of money for nothing any way is 1second hand record subject t V A T I know what Id tell em to do..... all the best dave
  12. just try the Red Bar Wakefield or Just Soul venue and all your problems are solved all the best dave
  13. for me "it takes a whole lotta man for a woman like "top top tune my fave also "make me the woman you go home to"another great tune both on standing qvation lp that has the "no one could love you more"but the other 2 far better imo dave
  14. thanks Alan what a website this is when people like you point others in a direction to help them will definatley look this place up and see if anyone can help me from there thanks again all the best dave
  15. I think overkill did this record IN good writers producers(bridges Knight and eaton)
  16. thanks for that soulfool really looking forward to it now,Anyone else got any tips ? cheers dave
  17. hi going to philly in a couple of weeks anyone got any addresses etc for a record hunter ain,t done philly ever so any tips .advice greatfully received thanks dave
  18. last time i was in beverlys records the coloured guy that shows you around wher to look etc real cool guy he was dancing around and singing word for word to lou courtneys "what do you want me to do"but anyway he told me that Patti Hamilton visits that shop every other day so it might be worth visiting just to bump into Patti I sent a message to her via Jack shop owner but he said she didnt seem to believe there was much interest in uk about her!!!good luck and hope you bump into her if you go dave ps Im going to philadelphia soon anyone any tips for there much appreciated
  19. your probably right there was full chant story in voices I'll have to check I prefer B W but biased as that's the version I have both great but i couldn't say a country mile differnce but that's just my opinion dave..
  20. think you mean chant? hope you get it great tune dave

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