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  1. Okay, so you don't know, but you suspect it. I suspect it too, but I would like concrete information about how he prioritises the orders and what the exact reasons are when he prioritises Discogs orders.
  2. How did you know it?
  3. Thanks, I write a lot, but I hardly ever speak English. I simply don't have the time to go to the post office for sending a letter.
  4. That's true, but obviously many buyers didn't/don't care.
  5. I also think that he has been surprised. It doesn't bother me that it takes a long time, but it seems that Discogs orders are prioritized. I deliberately chose to order from his website instead of Discogs to save John the Discogs fees, and this now most likely means that I've drawn the short straw because I meant well by John. I would like to hear a clear statement from him that he processes orders in chronological order by date of receipt and not on the premise of avoiding bad reviews on Discogs due to out-of-stock vinyls.
  6. I'm complaining here because I haven't received any communication from John Manship, and I've actually paid a lot of money for records without even knowing if they're available, since he apparently prefers to fulfill Discogs orders over website orders. It wouldn't bother me to wait if I could be sure I'd get what I paid for. I actually feel foolish because I ordered through his website instead of Discogs, as I was stupidly trying to save him the Discogs fees. In the end, I probably got the short end of the stick because I meant well by John. How shall I call him if I don't feel my english is good enough for a talk?
  7. Did you order them from Discogs or from his website?
  8. At the very least, he should have made it clear before the sale which orders he preferred to fulfil, especially as it was foreseeable that orders would overlap.
  9. So you say the complete topic should be deleted because they are not members here? I'll definitly not ring them and I have good reasons for this decision.
  10. You're welcome.
  11. I did this 4 days ago and still have not received a reply. My patience is wearing thin after reading time and time again from other Soul Source members that they have already received their orders even though they ordered later.
  12. Maybe I have a different idea of what a sale is than you do. To me, a sale means that you can buy something for less than the usual price, but most of his prices are double the usual market prices, so the half-price sale is now the usual market price.
  13. I have no idea what is supposed to be difficult to understand. I was able to buy a whole lot of records in one order for the usual price. If I had bought the records individually from different sellers, I would have paid more just because of the shipping costs and I would have had more work with the orders. Apart from that, I ordered records that are not easy to find in the condition I ordered them in.
  14. I'm also pleased about the half-price sale, as these are now the usual instead of double prices.
  15. How would you sound if you spent a few thousand GBP with someone who didn't consider it necessary to respond to your order and messages even after more than a month? I have been very patient for weeks and I am still patient but I am reading more and more often from other soul source members that they have already received their records even though they ordered much later than me.

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