Just seen this at the top of the page, interesting topic Paul.
Its found me this.
Been after The Hammer Faye Adams for about 4 years missed a few on ebay-out bid etc. Then a WLPromo turns up M as well.
They all turn up at some time bar a few really rare uns.
Arnold Goland who was also responsible for Ray Pollard's 'The Drfiter', massive wall of sound.
Had not checked that out Pete and now you say that how similar they sound.
Hi Kev, you do find that records of the same can sound different, I have quiet a few where others have shorter or longer versions like Ike & Tina I Idolize You , Ruby, Young Jessie Big Chief.
The first play for me was at Wigan from Gary, so I grab a copy a week later then for the last 30 years it was played in my room Lol but have played both back to back and that's my assumption.
Money is a different version! and don't think I have played under the street lamp off the LP due to never getting past the great stereo Sundown In What's.
I got a multi coloured copy from a box that had a pink copy in as well, compared them and chose the MC one due to it being a different press with a wider play area and a small run out.