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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. Mickey Denton King Lonely The Blue Impact 1011 not in the league of Narbay but not bad.
  2. Was out the other night and 2 DJ'd had the UN brown style label, this is a different stamped copy from the pink and white demo, is it a second issue?
  3. not sure which album but johnny maestro & the crests - I'm steppin out of the picture was a totally different version to the 7" single I am sure I have listened to at least 3 versions of this, single CD and another somewhere.
  4. Hi Miss G, a polished or skimmed record has if any small marks in the plastic rounded off and will have lost the sharp edge to the mark or scuff, glaze or shine will be affected as well. I had a G- Panic Is On demo, for personal use! I used some Brasso (hence my term Polish) and removed 80% of the marks but the disc was frooked, sold it on then a week later its in the sales box as M-? more elbow grease and Tcut. I think the term skimmed makes it sound professional like there is some special equipment used by a boffin in a white coat and not a bottle of car cleaner with Granny's old silk bloomers to buff it up. A funny record is Cub The Wanderers Somebody Else's Sweetheart, A side is clean but the B side looks polished on all the copy's I have seen.
  5. Agree with you George, I don't mind a few light marks but when you know you have a record that's had a lot of the real damage rubbed off to rip you off its very disappointing. https://www.popsike.com/northern-soul-CAM-CAMERON-They-say-CAPRI-LISTEN/4737363834.html
  6. Sorry Harry that copy went the other week. Cheers Pro
  7. Must be one of my favourite Motown LP only tracks.
  8. Was out on Saturday night (no names), had to wait 3 hours to see a real original record played! Lol bar a few tenner cheepees but I had a great time.
  9. So! err! no WLpromos have turned up yet or its just not pressed up on this variation.
  10. Court Davis with a My Proposal sounding track..
  11. Was trying to think of the cover up name, wasn't Gary Lewis was it.
  12. Is this any different from the Calla copy?
  13. Where do I sent it, its a big file 29.9 MB.
  14. Hi Ian, I have a lovely M WLP of the Ohio Players, its not a great recording (or Mix compared to Towanda's) but can send you the Wav file.
  15. I was searching you tube today for something else and! Not a Northern soul track but found this version quiet a good cover.
  16. Great song by them - good choice.
  17. Thanks for sharing that Rob seems to make sense, I have been listening to other tracks on Riley's and they seem to have typical sound but weather its a Thelma or Riley's thing dunno. Pro
  18. Just notice the original has a MR stamp. I have a copy for sale if interested - M disc with a M- label, very light stain.
  19. Oops! kat out of the bag, should of covered it up as Jonathan Capris Orch
  20. Prefer the first mix on this one. its got me feet tapping.
  21. I remember dancing to Joe 90 Lol, we all make mistakes. Is JC the same backing track.
  22. The backing is great would make a better instrumental - IMO that's what stands out on the track. I can only think of 1 preacher that sings better than this Humm Humm! no names mention~~~nudge nudge~~wink wink~~~know what I mean.
  23. That's £9,999 to much, its a crap record. Rarity over quality scenario.
  24. Hi KC could you please get me a copy as well TIA. Great tune.
  25. Nice company sleeve as well.

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