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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. Weird????? after looking at the bids I see bidding with 88 as being unlucky for Phil. No not weird Bob amused I have never seen that Automated bid button before although I do find it strange were someone puts an automated bid $224.00 12th March and never checks the bid again to see if was any use.
  2. Yep that doseth explain it very well indeed , I worked it out by my own bids to see your logic or EBay's way of making more money per sale. Thanks again
  3. Appleogies B b looks like your right, been in the garden for a smoke and done my math's 445 X 2 X1000 = $100 bid increments.
  4. I disagree, Bob its a $12.00 difference between the finishing bids, your only reference is Phil's bid $200.00 bid increments but by his own admission he placed them. Unless you know the bidder you cannot say what the maximum bid is unless 2 bidders bid the same amount then the 1st bidder wins. I see what your looking at now Bob the Automated bid list on the total bidding list and thats quiet random. Ok so I placed a bid a $445 but my bid was good till $450 but he had to have $452.50 to win, so yes it makes sence a little.
  5. If the guy had $8501 bid placed Phil it was your own bids that were taken up by $100 every time yo placed a bid, you never placed enough to out bid him, he placed his top bid a minute before your $8088 bid. The same with the 3rd highest bidder, he placed his top bid a full 4 mins before you Phil so you were only chasing him.
  6. Why is everyone saying the winning bidder could have put in $9000+? The winning bidder clearly put in a bid of $8500 because he won by less than the minimum bid increment. Phil maybe this will convert you to sniping, most have free trials and there is a totally free one gixen.com The winning bidder could have put $18000.00 but the second highest bidder only placed a bid of $8488.00 so the winning bid goes to $8500 with the bid increments He who dares wins. I just lost a record for $2.52 and I have no idea what the winner bidder placed on the record but he beat me.
  7. £50 notes back in 1979 is worth about £1000 now Top Cat..... what a record, I'm sure I would of paid that it was massive.
  8. I am wondering? I have more records pressed off centre than needle burnt ones. Are these the rejects that are now being picked up like all those royal esquires. I read one story about a shead load bined for being off centre...... Marty Hill Mr Oracle. Pat Brown on Seven B as well! .....never seen one play straight yet
  9. What a great video of that track Honky and I love the moves they busted.
  10. Also was great for me to find out that the singer Carlis Sonny Monroe with the band? or group went on to be The Falcons on Big Wheel.
  11. It sounds like its from a tape, great quality compared to the single but both good versions.
  12. Label says Singelton Prod, this isnt Eddie is it?
  13. Chugging Tony Clarke track with a bit of a rap, will send it later.
  14. CARSTAIRS - IT REALLY HURTS ME GIRL Pink issue Its a boot what do you expect.
  15. Some are pressed like, that have a couple that hiss but are quiet rare records.
  16. Doh! have the other one.
  17. Oops yeah that was me, hd a go at blindfold bidding.............not recomended.
  18. Oh dear Disc Dogs beat me to it. Will have to find another label to collect. https://www.globaldogproductions.info/
  19. Cheers Bob. I had Michael, quiet a low quality recording. I am collecting one label at the moment, have 6 on it 3 very nice records 2 dancers and a moralistic ballad but keeping my Gob shut till I get more. Seen a few LP's! not sure about collecting them yet?.
  20. Is the Kenneth Wells Keni Wells? of The Impacts on DCP and is this the same Wells as New Voice.
  21. Just been listening to Bobby Hebbs version, Errr! not a dance track but and also a nice version of Don't Tear Me Down.
  22. Is it a styrene record, only frooked one like that so never did it again.
  23. The misspressed one with the different B side.
  24. The sound file sounds a bit warmer than the fairmont copy still not the best recording buy him I have listened too.

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