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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. Diddley, I think the problem is in My Ebay???? if you can send me your Log in details and your Paypal password I will be able to see where I am going wrong.
  2. I do get a page See What Other People Are Watching and in the past I have seen numbers of watchers but I can't find it, I stuggle to find the item number some time's, it moves around.
  3. I have have been putting labels under the microscope to see what they look like and sometimes I get a surprise, amazed at what I see in the paper! fibres, sparkle dotts in the print,
  4. Is it Bob ? or could you lose one good copy to plate for a stamper ?
  5. "Authentic Original! Quick check in case you own the inferior sound quality counterfeit. THE ORIGINAL dead wax has a deeply scratched matrix reading MRP/FR-JB - 51679 -"GRFTG" - Re2 My copy has MRP/FR-JB - 51679 -GRFTG an inch gap then C with a B inside is this 3 copys? B side reads MRP/FR-JB - 51679 -B4R C with a B
  6. I had 2 from the same stamper Bell Stamped, one like Chris L's first copy then the other is like the Stereo one but smaller text.
  7. I use an IMic that comes with a gizzmo for phones in or out.
  8. Ooooh dear. I just compared my Cheryl Berdel and thats the same stamper but its Chicago.
  9. Are they from the same stamper Dave with a 0 with a B in ?
  10. https://www.mixcloud.com/MissyMurphy/masters-of-soul-aug-2012-with-special-guest-george-mahood/ Got it Bob. Thanks.
  11. That's funny, I tried it before and it went to the correct link.
  12. https://www.mixcloud.com/player/ At 37 mins in, a record called Dance With Me - it sounds like Mixed Feelings to me, any help ID the record. Pro
  13. He has a decent list of sales at the moment.
  14. It seems funny for a boot to have a stamp on like that and the pen x's, if its a John and The Weirdest to fool the buyer then yes I would say so. Even a boot @ $17.00 sounds ok? for a real one!.
  15. Little Ritchie - just another heartache - Seventy Seven 2910 I have a M+ demo for sale.
  16. Pat Brady had a Canadian Capitol issue Come Go With Me. Talking of Capitol there is an optical illusion with these discs. I put one on the platter, turn the power on, cue the needle and look at the needle, in the corner of my eye the records label colours shift from the normal yellow & red and as I peek at the label they shift back to normal.
  17. I have a m+ demo for sale of BBBS its a Parrish one, is this rarer than Parish?.
  18. That's made me remember, if I had won the wigan anniversary dance comp how would I get the music centre home on the train. Lol
  19. Arther and Butch, the number 3 springs to mind.
  20. I'm The One & Higher & Higher is an issue after all the searching since last night.
  21. Yes Lost You both sides un-like Sweetest Feeling with Barara Acklin on the other side, The Chase but Hunted House has a good Bside like Who Who, Feeling Is Real a.d Just Be Sincere To Me.
  22. My I've Lost You demo is single sided. Im sure I have other's by him somewhere, found about 6 upto now.
  23. Heresy your 100 club anniversary tickets are now null and void. For complete absolution Nam Myoho Renge Kyo - 20 Minute Chant translated to Northern Kent is the best I will not buy bootlegs. and it will revalidate your ticket.
  24. I have a great blues record by her The Gal From Joe's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK8X1zwLJqY
  25. That could be why Such Misery didn't sound so new to me ears.

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